As I see it...after having witnessed it at many, many tournaments, Jr High and High School. It is like a very impromptu moment. It is not announced nor is any one asked to come to the center of the mat. A moment of silence is not requested and if you are not aware of what is going on and you are more than 20ft away from the circle..then you can not tell what is being said. At times I have wished I were there to join them in the center of the mat. Yes, it is true the gym becomes quiet at this time. But while they say thier prayer...I say a silent prayer of my own and continue to be impressed by our young wrestlers! I do not encourage my son or his team mates to join...but they do, tournament after tournament. They do this of thier own accord.
If you do not wish to watch and if it offends you for some reason...just make sure to go to the concession stand or to the bathroom or turn your back to the mat, read a book, listen to your ipod, text can just ignore it.
Those of us who enjoy the moment don't make a big deal of it..we just let it be. Please do the same.

Kim Lovvorn