Am I Christian?-Yes. Do I approve of this?-No, but I dont care. But guess what I don't care when or where it happens. I am going to our Regional to watch great wrestling and that's all not people praying on the middle of the mat but just wrestling. I could care less how people express their religion let them do what they feel is right. I am Christian but have not been to church in over 4 years and really don't care. If you have a problem with this like I do just do what I will do. IGNORE IT! I don't care what you do read a book, carry on a conversation, or listen to your iPod. I usually don't pay attention to anything before tournaments anyways (except the National Anthem cause I do love America and appreciate the people who fight for America). I will have my iPod blaring and reading my book. I don't have a problem with as long as they don't everyone in the gym be silent for their needs it's fine by me. Just sit back and wait for the wrestling because this should be a good weekend for the sport of Kansas Wrestling