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Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: Svo69] #182471 02/16/11 03:03 PM
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“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:14-16

We are not ashamed of the Gospel! The insecurity lies in an unbelievers heart. Isaiah 57.

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12

Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: Chief Renegade] #182472 02/16/11 03:06 PM
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cb Offline
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It appears that the prayer is possibly student led but not student organized as evident by the begining of this topic. Also, the prayer takes place in public schools on school purchased mats. As a taxpayer, in my opinion I find it difficult to take that there are people who are organizing religous activities on public school grounds funded by taxpayers money. Furhtermore, you do lose some of your rights when you enter a school. An example is that you cannot where certain clothing in school that may be too revealing or have certain words on it. All I asked is that maybe you should put yourself in someone else's shoes before organizing this. I have not seen anyone address this. Again, even if you are allowed to do this, is it right? Lets step on some people just to make sure our wants are met. I don't think this is right but like I said, obviously I am in the majority and this will take place on Friday. Just think about others who may not share the same views as you before conducting the prayer.

Curtis Brown
Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: cb] #182473 02/16/11 03:12 PM
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gymmom Offline
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Ditto and Amen CB!!!

Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: gymmom] #182474 02/16/11 03:14 PM
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sportsfan02 Offline
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And some wonder why religious subjects should be forbidden on this forum!

Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: sportsfan02] #182475 02/16/11 03:17 PM
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It's a good time for all. Great conversation, great wrestling! It's regional time. Let's all enjoy it!

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12

Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: Chief Renegade] #182476 02/16/11 03:17 PM
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Brent Lane Offline
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It amazes me some people would criticize students who take the initiative and do something positive rather than negative and they choose not to criticize those that choose to abstain from participation. Seems like the qualities we want all of our kids to have.

"If it is to be, it is up to me!"
Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: WillyM] #182479 02/16/11 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted By: Contrarian
DUDE!!!! You need to go read some history. I will give you a hint----start way way way back before 1919. Muslim-Hindu conflicts in India in the 40s and 50s probably killed as many as Communism or Facism--these confilict led to the division of India into India (Hindu), Muslim Pakistan and Bangladesh.

How many people died under Stalin - Under Chairman Mao - under the Kremer Ruge in Cambodia?. They top the all time lists for murder. All atheist governments.

The older I get the better I was!
Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: back in the day] #182480 02/16/11 03:47 PM
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up4wrestling Offline
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As I see it...after having witnessed it at many, many tournaments, Jr High and High School. It is like a very impromptu moment. It is not announced nor is any one asked to come to the center of the mat. A moment of silence is not requested and if you are not aware of what is going on and you are more than 20ft away from the circle..then you can not tell what is being said. At times I have wished I were there to join them in the center of the mat. Yes, it is true the gym becomes quiet at this time. But while they say thier prayer...I say a silent prayer of my own and continue to be impressed by our young wrestlers! I do not encourage my son or his team mates to join...but they do, tournament after tournament. They do this of thier own accord.
If you do not wish to watch and if it offends you for some reason...just make sure to go to the concession stand or to the bathroom or turn your back to the mat, read a book, listen to your ipod, text somebody..you can just ignore it.
Those of us who enjoy the moment don't make a big deal of it..we just let it be. Please do the same.

Kim Lovvorn

Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: back in the day] #182481 02/16/11 03:47 PM
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Shane Koranda Offline
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Just some ideas to ponder...:



and finally, for those that would rather watch something than read:

Once again, I'll be participating with the prayer @ the 4A Maize South Regional, if there's brave enough wrestlers to "host" it!

Shane Koranda
Towanda, Ks.
Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: back in the day] #182482 02/16/11 03:55 PM
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rockyhorror Offline
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Am I Christian?-Yes. Do I approve of this?-No, but I dont care. But guess what I don't care when or where it happens. I am going to our Regional to watch great wrestling and that's all not people praying on the middle of the mat but just wrestling. I could care less how people express their religion let them do what they feel is right. I am Christian but have not been to church in over 4 years and really don't care. If you have a problem with this like I do just do what I will do. IGNORE IT! I don't care what you do read a book, carry on a conversation, or listen to your iPod. I usually don't pay attention to anything before tournaments anyways (except the National Anthem cause I do love America and appreciate the people who fight for America). I will have my iPod blaring and reading my book. I don't have a problem with as long as they don't everyone in the gym be silent for their needs it's fine by me. Just sit back and wait for the wrestling because this should be a good weekend for the sport of Kansas Wrestling

Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: rockyhorror] #182484 02/16/11 04:06 PM
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20wrestling12 Offline
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Do you need help with the Regional in Beloit for 3a because i will be willing to help if you need it!

Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: cb] #182485 02/16/11 04:08 PM
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blainelori Offline
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Give me a break! I am proud that my boys and I are Christians and aren't afraid to show it in front of everybody. Praise be to God for all of our blessings! by the way..Don't you mean you are in the "minority" not "majority"! Maybe you should learn how to spell homophone words like when you meant to say "wear" and you said "where".

Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: rockyhorror] #182486 02/16/11 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted By: rockyhorror
I am Christian but have not been to church in over 4 years and really don't care.

An interesting position. If you don't mind, let me ask you two questions.

1. Are you at a place in your spiritual life that if you died today, you know that you would go to heaven?

2. If you did die today and stood before God and He asked you, "Why should I let you in my heaven", what would you say?

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12

Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: Chief Renegade] #182489 02/16/11 04:20 PM
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rockyhorror Offline
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Originally Posted By: Chief Renegade
Originally Posted By: rockyhorror
I am Christian but have not been to church in over 4 years and really don't care.

An interesting position. If you don't mind, let me ask you two questions.

1. Are you at a place in your spiritual life that if you died today, you know that you would go to heaven?

2. If you did die today and stood before God and He asked you, "Why should I let you in my heaven", what would you say?
What I should have used a different phrase instead of "really don't care" as I was in my writing zone and it just goes...with that said even though I have not been to church in 4 years does not mean I don't know who died for my sins and I do pray from time to time and not in public and take part in our Christian Challenge here at WU and not going to church is something I have been debating with myself to go to. I thank God everyday I wake up and thank him for giving me another day to live. As to both of your questions I am a young man who has yet to live his life to fullest and if God willing ask me those questions 50 years from now and I might be able to give you a better answer

Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: cb] #182490 02/16/11 04:26 PM
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Quagmire Offline
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Originally Posted By: cb
It appears that the prayer is possibly student led but not student organized as evident by the begining of this topic. Also, the prayer takes place in public schools on school purchased mats. As a taxpayer, in my opinion I find it difficult to take that there are people who are organizing religous activities on public school grounds funded by taxpayers money. Furhtermore, you do lose some of your rights when you enter a school. An example is that you cannot where certain clothing in school that may be too revealing or have certain words on it. All I asked is that maybe you should put yourself in someone else's shoes before organizing this. I have not seen anyone address this. Again, even if you are allowed to do this, is it right? Lets step on some people just to make sure our wants are met. I don't think this is right but like I said, obviously I am in the majority and this will take place on Friday. Just think about others who may not share the same views as you before conducting the prayer.

Or maybe you could put your self in the students that are leading the prayer. Think about their intentions. Not harmful to anyone at all. I challenge anyone who is at a regional this weekend to ask any of the students that did not participate in the prayer if they are offended in anyway.

Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: Quagmire] #182492 02/16/11 04:42 PM
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rassler Offline
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[This article was originally published in Free Inquiry, summer 1990.]

When you think of saints, you envision stained-glass pictures of piety. But the truth can be horribly different. Consider Pope Pius V:

When he was Grand Inquisitor, he sent Catholic troops to kill 2,000 Waldensian Protestants in Calabria in southern Italy.

After becoming pope, he sent Catholic troops to kill Huguenot Protestants in France. He ordered the commander to execute every prisoner taken.

Pius also launched the final crusade against the Muslims, sending a Christian naval armada to slaughter thousands in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571.

And he intensified the Roman Inquisition, torturing and burning Catholics whose beliefs varied from official dogma.

After his death, he was canonized a saint. He still is venerated by the church.
It is as if Adolf Hitler were elevated to sainthood.

Or consider Saint Dominic, the king of torture. He founded the Dominican order, whose priests were judges of the Inquisition. They presided while screaming victims were twisted and ripped on fiendish pain machines until they confessed to thinking unorthodox thoughts. Then the Dominicans led the broken "heretics" in grand processions to the stake.

The priests also tortured thousands of women into confessing they were witches who had sex with Satan, changed themselves into animals, flew through the sky, caused storms, and the like. The "witches" also were burned for their confessions.

Or consider Saint Cyril, whose monks and followers beat to death the great woman scientist, Hypatia, director of the Alexandria Library, for her scientific approach to nature.

Or Saint Pedro Arbries, a Spanish inquisitor who tortured and burned former Jews for harboring their old beliefs. An ex-Jew assassinated him, and he was canonized as a martyr.

I was a newspaper church columnist for many years. Endlessly, I heard ministers proclaim that religion instills love and compassion in believers. It's a universal message. Meanwhile, back at the paper, our headlines said:

"Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs Massacre Each Other in India"
"Protestant Gunmen Kill Catholics in Belfast, and Vice Versa"
"Shi'ites in Iran Hang Baha'i Teens Who Won't Convert"
"Christian Snipers Pin Down Muslim Machine-Gunners in Beirut"
"Hands and Feet Chopped Off Under Islamic Law in Sudan"

Politicians always call religion a mighty force for good. President Reagan labeled it "the bedrock of moral order." They say it builds brotherhood.

But Christians killed 3 million Jews during Europe's centuries of religious persecution, before Hitler secularized the process.

And the Reformation wars pitted Catholics and Protestants in a ghastly century of slaughter.

And the Third World today still sufferes bloodbaths caused by religious tribalism.

There's a tinge of the Twilight Zone in the constant declarations that religion creates love, when opposite results are everywhere.

Did religion make Saint Pius V loving as he killed Waldensians, Huguenots, Muslims and nonconforming Catholics?

Did it make the Ayatollah Khomeini compassionate as he ordered the hanging of Baha'is and demanded the assassination of a "blaspheming" British writer?
Did it make the Aztecs affectionate as they sacrificed and skinned maidens to appease a feathered serpent god?

Did it make brotherhood in Lebanon, where religious tribes wreak endless warfare?

Religion always is hailed as the cure for the world's evils. But, too often, it's the problem, not the solution.

"Murder in the Name of Religion" is copyright © 1990 by James A. Haught. All rights reserved.
The electronic version is copyright © 1997 by Internet Infidels with the written permission of James A. Haught. All rights reserved.

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Here are just a few examples of great christians killing in gods name

Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: Quagmire] #182493 02/16/11 04:41 PM
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Svo69 Offline
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Please do not interpret my comments as disparaging and/or disrespectful of your impressive faith and/or religious beliefs. Your comments and scriptural quotes are compelling and forceful in support of public prayer.

Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: rockyhorror] #182497 02/16/11 05:03 PM
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Chief Renegade Offline
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Originally Posted By: rockyhorror
Originally Posted By: Chief Renegade
Originally Posted By: rockyhorror
I am Christian but have not been to church in over 4 years and really don't care.

An interesting position. If you don't mind, let me ask you two questions.

1. Are you at a place in your spiritual life that if you died today, you know that you would go to heaven?

2. If you did die today and stood before God and He asked you, "Why should I let you in my heaven", what would you say?
What I should have used a different phrase instead of "really don't care" as I was in my writing zone and it just goes...with that said even though I have not been to church in 4 years does not mean I don't know who died for my sins and I do pray from time to time and not in public and take part in our Christian Challenge here at WU and not going to church is something I have been debating with myself to go to. I thank God everyday I wake up and thank him for giving me another day to live. As to both of your questions I am a young man who has yet to live his life to fullest and if God willing ask me those questions 50 years from now and I might be able to give you a better answer

I appreciate the heartfelt answer. To be clear, good intentions and good deeds won't save anyone. I would encourage you though to find a bible teaching, bible believing church that you can stay in God's word and learn from the only truth written to mankind. Think about those questions. We are all one hearbeat away from eternity, regardless of age. If you ever want to talk about what scripture says, you can PM, text or call me at 913-484-3624. Blessings to you!

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12

Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: Svo69] #182498 02/16/11 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted By: Svo69

Please do not interpret my comments as disparaging and/or disrespectful of your impressive faith and/or religious beliefs. Your comments and scriptural quotes are compelling and forceful in support of public prayer.

No problems. I have appreciated many points you've made on the forums. It's all good conversation.

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12

Re: Wrestlers For Christ Regionals [Re: rassler] #182500 02/16/11 05:17 PM
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back in the day Offline
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Originally Posted By: rassler
[This article was originally published in Free Inquiry, summer 1990.]

When you think of saints, you envision stained-glass pictures of piety. But the truth can be horribly different. Consider Pope Pius V:

When he was Grand Inquisitor, he sent Catholic troops to kill 2,000 Waldensian Protestants in Calabria in southern Italy.

After becoming pope, he sent Catholic troops to kill Huguenot Protestants in France. He ordered the commander to execute every prisoner taken.

Pius also launched the final crusade against the Muslims, sending a Christian naval armada to slaughter thousands in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571.

And he intensified the Roman Inquisition, torturing and burning Catholics whose beliefs varied from official dogma.

After his death, he was canonized a saint. He still is venerated by the church.
It is as if Adolf Hitler were elevated to sainthood.

Or consider Saint Dominic, the king of torture. He founded the Dominican order, whose priests were judges of the Inquisition. They presided while screaming victims were twisted and ripped on fiendish pain machines until they confessed to thinking unorthodox thoughts. Then the Dominicans led the broken "heretics" in grand processions to the stake.

The priests also tortured thousands of women into confessing they were witches who had sex with Satan, changed themselves into animals, flew through the sky, caused storms, and the like. The "witches" also were burned for their confessions.

Or consider Saint Cyril, whose monks and followers beat to death the great woman scientist, Hypatia, director of the Alexandria Library, for her scientific approach to nature.

Or Saint Pedro Arbries, a Spanish inquisitor who tortured and burned former Jews for harboring their old beliefs. An ex-Jew assassinated him, and he was canonized as a martyr.

I was a newspaper church columnist for many years. Endlessly, I heard ministers proclaim that religion instills love and compassion in believers. It's a universal message. Meanwhile, back at the paper, our headlines said:

"Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs Massacre Each Other in India"
"Protestant Gunmen Kill Catholics in Belfast, and Vice Versa"
"Shi'ites in Iran Hang Baha'i Teens Who Won't Convert"
"Christian Snipers Pin Down Muslim Machine-Gunners in Beirut"
"Hands and Feet Chopped Off Under Islamic Law in Sudan"

Politicians always call religion a mighty force for good. President Reagan labeled it "the bedrock of moral order." They say it builds brotherhood.

But Christians killed 3 million Jews during Europe's centuries of religious persecution, before Hitler secularized the process.

And the Reformation wars pitted Catholics and Protestants in a ghastly century of slaughter.

And the Third World today still sufferes bloodbaths caused by religious tribalism.

There's a tinge of the Twilight Zone in the constant declarations that religion creates love, when opposite results are everywhere.

Did religion make Saint Pius V loving as he killed Waldensians, Huguenots, Muslims and nonconforming Catholics?

Did it make the Ayatollah Khomeini compassionate as he ordered the hanging of Baha'is and demanded the assassination of a "blaspheming" British writer?
Did it make the Aztecs affectionate as they sacrificed and skinned maidens to appease a feathered serpent god?

Did it make brotherhood in Lebanon, where religious tribes wreak endless warfare?

Religion always is hailed as the cure for the world's evils. But, too often, it's the problem, not the solution.

"Murder in the Name of Religion" is copyright © 1990 by James A. Haught. All rights reserved.
The electronic version is copyright © 1997 by Internet Infidels with the written permission of James A. Haught. All rights reserved.

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Here are just a few examples of great christians killing in gods name

As far as I can tell we have a group of students gathering to pray. It is a big jump to say they are promoting religious hatred as evidenced by your list.

The older I get the better I was!
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