I tried to ignore this topic because absolutely no one is going to consider an opposing viewpoint. This topic is like trying to teach pigs to sing….it annoys you and frustrates the pig. But, two statements by Contrarian caught my attention.

Originally posted by Contrarian

"......I think that Christians actively believe they have to publicly demonstrate their piety. Public 'witnessing" or testifying" to them is the highest demonstration of the expression of their religion."

SOME Christians believe this, not all of us. Some Christians even condemn other Christians as not being pious enough or for holding different views.

Originally posted by Contrarian

"America is a very diverse country: ethnic, politically, economically, and religiously."

I don’t think Kansas is very diverse outside of Johnson County and a few other pockets. A large percentage of Kansans have never considered that they might one day be the minority either in race or religion. That would change things considerably.

We just have to tolerate the tunnel-vision thinking that everyone is a like-thinking Christian and that everyone else should just get used to it. Live long enough and things change.

Lou Ann Baker