Originally Posted By: rassler
What is sad is that even within the christian community there is strife, A lot of the conservative baptists and independant bible churches think that all catholics will burn in hell. I remember a conversation with chief renegade and mike furches on that very subject several years ago at the wichita classic. They informed me that the catholics had it all wrong and that they were not truely saved, what should people believe the christians can't even decide amongst themselves what is right. That is what happens when people live their life based on fables and ancient stories told by nomadic sheep herders gathered around a campfire.

Let's reason. Unless you have a surface level only understanding of the bible or history, you know that there are irreconcilable differences between Catholics and Protestants. It's the reason for the Reformation. In a nutshell, if I were to say that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ to a priest, he would agree with me. But if I said that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone, he would disagree. Catholics believe in the bible PLUS church tradition. Protestants stand for the 5 "Solas" of the reformation, Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone), Sola fide (Faith alone), Sola gratia (Grace alone), Sola Christus (Christ alone) and Soli deo gloria (Glory to God alone). In short, we DISAGREE about the Gospel. That's why it is irreconcilable.

Mike Furches and I are Protestants. We believe that the bible is without error and is the only authority written to mankind. The catechism states that protestants are accursed. So be clear and know both positions before you state what Mike and I told you in Wichita. There is MUCH MORE information that would further clarify my beliefs and I would be entirely glad to explain those to anyone who asks.

Think about this. If someone asked you how to get to heaven, what would you say? Don't say "Be good" or "Do good" and then also say you are a Christian. The bible cleary states that NOBODY is good. Romans 3:10 and that ALL have sinned. Romans 3:23. It's not my opinion, it's what the words say.

Now you can certainly say that you don't believe the bible. That is a valid intellectual stance. Just don't say that you are a follower of Christ (A Christian) and then deny what is in the bible or have no idea what it says.

Just some clarity on my position since you recalled a talk we had in Wichita 5 years ago. I'm glad that was still on your mind.

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12