The bible states that no man is good that we are all sinners because of the original sin, Adam eating the forbidden fruit, since that day man has been cursed. According to the bible we are saved by grace and by putting our trust and faith in jesus christ who is also god and the holy ghost( the Trinity) Try to explain that one. No man is saved from good works because no amount of good works can overcome a single sin, So a man who has followed the bible his whole life and the worst child molester and murderer are in the same boat doomed to hell unless they come to jesus, who saved us by taking on all of our sins on the once you are saved you are always saved until you read hebrews 10:26
New International Version (©1984)
If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left

I can debate the bible with you all day chief, I have read it and reread it several times have been to bible classes in the baptist,independant bible church, catholic ,lutheran, and any sane man will realize that these are nice stories and the world would be a better place if everyone lived and cared for each other like the bible says but they are fables and ancient stories whose orgins come from many other ancient religous stories and beliefs that did not take hold over the course of time.

Last edited by rassler; 02/16/11 11:59 PM.