Originally Posted By: rassler

2nd Law of Thermodynamics

This idea has been put forward by many people to try to prove that evolution is impossible. However, it is based on a flawed understanding of the second law of thermodynamics, and in fact, the theory of evolution does not contradict any known laws of physics.

However, the most important part of the second law of thermodynamics is that it only applies to a closed system - one that does not have anything going in or out of it. There is nothing about the second law that prevents one part of a closed system from getting more ordered, as long as another part of the system is getting more disordered.

I spit orange juice out of my nose when I read your comments about evolution. I will start with your point about the 2nd law.

You have said that the second law only applies to closed systems, this is a classic example of your lack of understanding and confusion of the experimental necessity for a closed system to test for the existence of the Second Law, with the actual actions of the Second Law being evident in the open systems in which we live. Because the universe itself may be considered to be an isolated system and all naturally occurring processes are irreversible, one statement of the Second Law of Thermodynamics says that the entropy of the universe is constantly increasing. In fact, Clausius summarized the first two laws for thermodynamics by: “The energy of the Universe is constant; the entropy is tending to
1. Irreversible processes will result in an increase in entropy of the universe.
(Irreversible process will result in entropy generation.) Irreversible processes
result in loss capability for performing work.
2. Reversible processes result in no increase in entropy of the universe. (Reversible
processes result in no entropy generation.)
3. Proposed processes which would result in a decrease of entropy of the universe
are impossible. (Impossible processes result in negative entropy generation.)

We, along with this entire universe are on a downward spiral towards an ever-increasing state of entropy (chaos). The Second Law of thermodynamics proves this point. And closed systems are an experimental necessity for us to test for and to observe the existence of the Second Law of thermodynamics that is evident in the universe we live in.


Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12