Isn't this argued every stinkin' year?


Just how many face-to-face meetings has one had with Bowden on such proposals, that he's refused to take to the KSHSAA Board, to give you the ability to slander him on here by calling him "lazy"? Lazy is a harsh word to call someone, when they are subject to needing to take such a proposals to a BOARD and they ultimately make that call!

Bowden & I butted heads on several things, but I'd be very careful with throwing a term on "lazy" around or labeling him as such. Are there things that need to be improved on, sure - but to call him "lazy"???

Can't wait to see you as the Asst. Exec. and see how you react to all the comments that'll be fired at you, as you so easily fire at him!!!

It's just tiring...

Shane Koranda
Towanda, Ks.