[quote] "See Rick's responses to questions regarding his efforts to improve. NO is pretty much the only word in his vocab. He lost $40,000 plus on a HS state wrestling tournament. The only way that happens is if you don't thoroughly do your job, ie you are lazy or maybe you just suck. I thought he would rather be called lazy than told he sucks." [quote]

Cokely, you're statements are bold and somewhat contoversial, but I think your series of emails with Rick Bowden really shows the true colors of the KSHAA. I compliment you for at least backing up your comments with some substance. Back to the KSHAA, they are stuck in the past, have very little plans to progress the sport in Kansas and are being reactive instead of leading. I was really surprised how Rick's replies are so defensive. Yes, you're requests we're critical but were also constructive and not personally attacking.

I would disagree on your use of the word "Lazy" describing Rick as think that is a little harsh. I've met Rick Bowden I know he works hard and is smart. I think a better word to use would be complacent. It seems he works hard doing the same old thing, but I don't see any initiative to change and improve the situation.

You're example of losing $40K on the state tournaments represents this. That should not be acceptable. My guess as to why they lost so much is because the tournament is at 3 sites. If it was at one site, you only have to pay for one facility. I say get creative ( I've read a lot ideas on the site)and find a way to have the tournament at one location. It would save money, and would be better for all the wrestlers.
Just takes a little visiona and initative. The facilities are there.

"If pro is the opposite on con, then the opposite of progress is congress"