I watched the 5A and 6A on tape delay last night. Almost criminal the way they let stalling get by. I might not know the technicalities of some of the stall calls--for example the 5 second pinning the heel to the buttocks as described in another post/topic--but I and the majority of fans recognize stalling when we see it. I sat in front of my TV yelling "stall" Stall'' "stall". A lot of the matches were boring---as the announcer stated "many wrestlers were wrestling not to win, but not to lose". When both wrestlers are wrestling not to lose----paint drying. And embarassing to the wrestlers, to their teams, and to the coaches--who probably taught the techniques of stalling.

And YES, the refs do control the matches. To get certified in Kansas it is a read at home or online lesson and an open book test. With that criteria I could be certified. Process may have changed in the last couple of years, but don't think so. KSHSSA needs to get into rules interpertation and referee training and testing--and recertification. I think refs are overly afraid of the coaches complaints and coaches evaluations. Persistent coach complaints on the mat can be handled with technical fouls--and eviction if necessary. Evaluations will wash ouy over time--good overriding a few bads--and the best refs will be invited to the regional's and state.

Come ON refs, get with the program!!!!!

Last edited by Contrarian; 03/01/11 02:33 PM.

Bill Mason Lansing