Hey Mr Packer
1st Not all subs posted weights as they were instructed to so you cant check them all.

Its not about being over weight, its about being too far under!
Someone weighing 220lbs can not wrestle 285 according to USA Wrestling. The max weight allowance at the HS level is 35 pounds.
If we were to allow someone to wrestle outside that varience would be the same as letting someone over the max weight.
Either way its a violation of the rules and would makes our state wrestling tournament an unsanctioned event!!

Personally I dont care if a 175 pounder wanted to wrestle 285. I think it should be their choice. But what upsets me is when some people inforce the rules for some and some dont. When some people inforce certain rules and not others.

Abide by the rules!!! Whos going to argue with that?