I was disappointed in the size of the factility at Olathe for this years District 1 Tournament.
Dangerous numbers of people in the building.

I was disappointed in the safety zones around the mats, in the way the mats were seperated.

My son wrestled on a mat that had a inch and half difference in height to the next mat. This was the out of bounds line. I thought this was dangerous for ankles when the mats were of that different height.

I was disappointed in the weigh ins. Excluding everyone but wrestlers, means the kids lose clothes, have to come back if they are young and need their nails trimmed. Wrestlers also reported to me limited scales, which really slowed down the process, and use of bathroom scales to weigh. Don't know I couldn't see the scales. I am concerned everytime something is done excluding the adults that work with these kids all year.

I didn't witness, but heard concerns from others about the way spectators were treated by staff.

These were my disappointments, typed in the most polite manner that I can force myself to use. I don't know what everyone else thought. Please post your ideas for Distict 1 wrestling next year.