Originally Posted By: RichardDSalyer

Whatever a wrestler weighed at the Wichita Classic has no bearing on the weigh-in for sub-districts. A wrestler who weighed in at 240 lbs. at the Classic might have a 4.2% weight gain and weigh-in at 250 lbs.

I also reported to you people that were outside the allowed varience.
I also showed you where it looked suspicious that people weights were entered in at EXACTLY minimum allowed weight.
I also reported to you that one sub did not report weight like they were required to!
I also said that I did not check every age and weight class. Thats your guys job, not mine!

Originally Posted By: RichardDSalyer

and you wished to enter him at 285 lbs. I asked if he could make 215 lbs. and you replied NO and I told you to enter him at 250 lbs. You failed to follow the instructions and entered your wrestler at 285 lbs.! When the error was discovered, you failed to inform Chad you were told not to enter 285 lbs. and your wrestler was moved to 250 lbs. by claiming a clerical error on behalf of the tournament director when in fact it was deliberate on your behalf. As you will recall, I justified my decision by informing you of the potential of your wrestler having to forfeit all matches if a wrestler weighed more than 35 lbs. than your child.

This is so far from the truth... or maybe your just unable to recall!
We never had a conversation about him going 215!
Everyone at that meeting was all big on filling brackets, just like D1. We all (you, me, and chad and maybe a few others) sat around and talked about if it was a rules violation for him to wrestle that weight. You said you thought it was and some of us disagreed with you because we were justifing it with HS rules. But no one was 100% sure so we allowed the change!
Never did we claim a "clerical error"! We were called and told that an error was made by allowing us to switch weight classes and we had to switch back. We were also told that we were not allowed any seeding criteria. So we took the last seed and ended up taking 3rd!
We had 2 heavy weights and we gave the heavier of the weights the choice as to what class he wanted to go especially since he had a better HS record. He chose 250 so the other HWT took 285. The same class we had wrestled all year in HS. The 250 class was new to everyone! We were simply trying to separate wrestlers so one would not possibly keep another one from going. Never did I say to you that one was better then the other.

Originally Posted By: RichardDSalyer

The other heavyweight from your team did not have that "thought process" as he entered in the 250 lb. weight classification and weighed-in at 248.80.

Who are you to say what his thought process was... You have never even met the kid!

Originally Posted By: RichardDSalyer

Originally Posted By: BLT
Plus we had 2 HS Heavy weights and was trying to split them up so we could get as many kids as possible to state.

Wow we agree on something!

Originally Posted By: RichardDSalyer

That is exactly what your motivation was. You were fully aware there was no one from your sub-district entered in the 285 lb. classification. As I recall, at the seeding meeting you stated to me your wrestler could not beat his teammate, and you would like to move the wrestler up. It appears from the data the teammate easily could have qualified for the 285 lb. weight class also qualified for state. You were looking for the easiest route for your child to qualify for state.

My motivation was and is to educate as many kids as I can about the sport of wrestling. To help as many kids as I can reach their goals of being a state champion. If its my child or anyone elses I treat all the kids in our club the same. If anything Im tougher on mine. I would of done the same thing for any of our wrestlers. We didnt pick the easy route, we took the route the other wrestler didnt want to take.

So here I stand... All I want is for the rules to be upheld consistantly.
Im still moved by the little speech you made at the district seeding meeting about "rules and no gray areas"
I guess Im out of line. I dont want anyone to miss a chance on going to state.
You guys do what you want or what suits you best. It seems thats what you do anyways!