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Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: Hossus] #187169 03/20/11 03:57 AM
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my3sons Offline
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Not sure who is right or wrong on this subject, but if wrong or not consistant with the state it seemed to work. Its done and cannot be changed. Maybe the state should visit with D4 and get some feedback with the weigh in time. If it was well percieved the other districts could go to this format. Just a idea, not all things are set in concrete.

Last edited by my3sons; 03/20/11 04:02 AM.

Blake Arnberger
Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: nix] #187170 03/20/11 04:02 AM
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jule Offline
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ok Hossus after reading your last post I see an advantage you had that alot of D4 folks didn't have your boys got to sleep in their own beds. Let me see Colby, Goodland, Hoxie, St. Francis, Hays, Oakley, Lakin Ulysses, Scott City and many others didn't get that advantage. I guess we could have but that would mean getting up at 3 or earlier to make it in time. So we get a few extra hours to weigh in it still boils down to the fact that EVERYONE IN EVERY DISTRICT had to be weigh in by 7 am on Saturday. We all have advantages in our districts you get to sleep in at home we get to weigh in before 6. I think that it evens out. Pratt did a good job good tournament Thanks Greg and crew you did awesome!!!!!!!!!

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: Hossus] #187171 03/20/11 04:05 AM
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Originally Posted By: Hossus
As I said before, I didn't think it was a bad idea. I just said it wasn't fair to the other Districts who followed the 6-8 weigh-ins. Tyson touched on a small part of that.

My kids are on Spring Break as were many others across the state. I wasn't worried about his weight at all. It would have been nice to drop in around 1:30 weigh in and go home. Here is the bonuses to that.

Plenty of parking. We got there early and the lots were already filling up before 6 PM.

Smaller lines. Dist 2 was basically herded through like cattle in large groups. We got there before 6 still took about an hour and 10 min to get through. Can't speak for Dist 1-3 but imagine it was about the same. This would have been especially beneficial to people who lived locally to get in early and be out of the way before the not so local showed up.

Home at a decent hour. We didn't get home till 9:30 PM, if we could have went at say 1:30 PM. We could have been home by 4 or 5 PM easy. I can't imagine what parents who were having to deal with weight issues then trying to feed their kids at 8:30-9:00PM and trying to get them home and in bed for a long day on Sat would have been thinking.

I also suspect that starting earlier would have been a lot easier on the host club. Instead of trying to rush through 600+ wrestlers in 2 hours they would have had 7 hours to do the job. This in turn would have made scratches, bracket changes, and other details a lot more managable for Sat. Likely would have been less stressfull as well. But I am just going out on a limb on this, since three other Districts managed to do this from 6-8 PM.

Prob other reasons that I can't think of on this issue. But only Dist 4 had these advantages. Everyone else followed the standard 6-8 PM weigh-ins as a unified body.
your wrestlers will be more successful if you spend more time looking for solutions rather than excuses. these are weak at best. d4 had no advatage over any other district. shorter lines? really? if that's you basis, then all the kids at d2 stood in the same long lines, no advantage. late to bed? sooooooo you're telling me that when your kid lost, you didn't blame him at all, he did nothing wrong, the other kid wasn't better, the other kid had more sleep??? look i'm not trying to be a jerk here. i see your point about being uniform and consistent, but the fact of the matter is start teaching your kids to adapt and overcome, quit teaching them to make excuses.

and please never bring parking into a conversation about wrestling again. this sport is demanding, and i think that if you aren't willing to walk a few 100 feet. you should quit asking your kid to put himself through such a tough sport. these kids have worked their tails off for months. they don't need adults causing stress over silly/petty things like parking. really? come on?

"with attitude, will, and some spirit"
Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: jule] #187172 03/20/11 04:08 AM
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Pelland Offline
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Hey Packerholic.........thanks alot!! wink

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: nix] #187173 03/20/11 04:14 AM
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No, I think what you did was prob best for everyone in your Dist and you do fine work. I said as much above. We've been to two of your tournaments in the past and would go again if ya had someone for us to wrestle. We do fine, I am simply illustrating that others go through this as well by using us as an example.

Problem is that Dist 4 seems to go their own way sometimes and I am not the only one who thinks that. Every year actually since we've been wrestling. There have been several issues raised during this series alone that involve Dist 4 where they made changes and or ommissions. Mr. Stanleys statement above was made prior to series and was an assurance that compliance would be maintained. It is the failure of the state committee to back what has been said and maintain uniformity. I have very little to gain here except animosity. I just have a quirky sense of following the rules/guidelines that were put forth. Due mostly from having been slanted by the rules ourselves in the past and from others in similar situations. I don't hate on anyone, just dealing with the facts and informing the public of the inconsistantcies.

Fortune assists the daring.
Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: Hossus] #187176 03/20/11 04:30 AM
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What's funny is my kids beg me to take them to a hotel, oh and it has to have a pool too. Can you say Priceline??? They wanted me to get a hotel for Andover? We spend plenty of money on that going to Tulsa, OKC, KC and others for wrestling. So we know all about that. We put on lots of miles as well. So we are no strangers to that. Topeka will be our second tournament this year in KS where we actually wrestle and one of the cheapest. The rest is out of state.

Fortune assists the daring.
Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: Hossus] #187179 03/20/11 05:06 AM
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Hossus Offline
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Until you walk a few miles in my ruby red slippers, you can keep your parenting advice to yourself.

Using your logic here????

You run a stop sign on a deserted country road and nobody gets hurt, that's OK. You adapted and overcame with that choice, you own it.

However, it's still breaking the law. You just didn't get caught doing it. Is that the message you teach your kids? Do whatever you want just as long as you don't get caught. I am no stranger to that parenting theory. 15 years working DOC I heard that a lot.

Nobody's making excuses, your too busy defending something that your not able to grasp even after I posted the remark from Mr. Stanley. I am not trying to be rude. I just want you to see that this came from the horses mouth. I am not to blame here, I didn't make this up out of thin air. I am not even the one who noticed it at first. I simply voiced what others are probably afraid too in fear of retribution. We wrestle so much out of state, that there is very little anyone could do to me, so I frankly don't care. If you have a beef with anyone it should be with those who have power not with me.

The only reason your ticked at me is that I am bringing this up and have presented facts that nobody wants aired. Don't kill the messenger.

Last edited by Hossus; 03/20/11 05:15 AM.

Fortune assists the daring.
Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: Hossus] #187180 03/20/11 05:11 AM
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Beeson Offline
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Here is my argument, weigh in at noon is alot different then weighing in at 6 or 7....huge diffence. If we are going to make it the same across the state lets make it fair across the state. Weigh ins should be the same. six hours is alot of time to put on extra weight.

Unnecessary Roughness is Necessary
Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: Hossus] #187182 03/20/11 05:47 AM
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Mark J Stanley Offline
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We had a wonderful tournament in D1 today. After reviewing a few of the other districts TW sites it appears that all four districts have some very good kids moving into next week’s tournament. It will be a grand event as it is every year.

As Hossus pointed out, I made a statement on another thread about the goals to standardize many areas of the qualifying series that were previously left up to the individual districts to decide. If you refer to the minutes of the January 30th, 2011 Executive Committee meeting you will find that the Executive Committee did discuss these areas and voted on many of them. If you don't want to read the minutes in their entirty, you will find the discussion in Agenda Item 6. All four Districts were represented at this meeting. Tom Richard made a motion that each of the sub-district and districts follow the same format. This motion passed unanimously. There was quite a bit of discussion about what this statement actually meant and to provide clarity of purpose a series of motions were put forth on different aspects of tournament operations; each was voted on. Those included and which passed by unanimous vote were, one person being responsible for setting up registration information in trackwrestling, seeding criteria, minimum number of seeded wrestlers, how to treat non-seeded wrestlers, tournament start times, and filling of the district brackets with 5th/6th place qualifiers. A motion concerning sub-district and district weigh in times was made that it should be from 6-8pm on Friday night and 6-7am on Saturday morning. This motion passed by a 13-2 vote. A motion was proposed to allow satellite weigh in sites in order to make it easier on families and the tournament host sites. This motion failed by a vote of 11-4.

These minutes have been posted for some time and as previously stated each district was represented at the meeting. I am confident that the integrity of our qualifying series is not in jeopardy and that when things varied from what was voted on that reasonable people made decisions for the right reasons in mind. However as I was quoted as saying earlier in this thread, I believe that it was, is and should be the goal of the State Tournament Committee to standardize the State Series of tournaments. The only way I know to make this happen is to have a consistent set of rules that are followed by every tournament in the series. While this goal was not perfectly obtained this year, it does not minimize its importance in my eyes. On nearly every issue you can think about there will be disagreement. The way we run our State Series is no different in that regard. If we have any hope in making consistency happen it is the job of those in charge of setting the rules to provide clarity and for those running the individual tournaments to abide by what was agreed to. If you feel that an established rule is wrong...don't just ignore it; set out to change the rule. As I was once told by a county sheriff in western KS when I was stopped for going a little too fast, even "dumb" rules need to be followed and ignorance of law is no excuse. If I choose to get behind the wheel, then it my job to know the rules of the road.

The Executive Committee is meeting on Friday night before State and I am sure we will be doing an after action review of how our qualifying tournaments were ran. If any of you have issues you would like to be discussed then get with your representatives and let them know you wish's.

Have a good week of practice! Anyone that would like to help set up for state is welcome to come to the Expocentre on Friday morning and help in the effort! We are getting started at 7am so we can be ready for the kids at 2pm when they open the doors. See you all next week.

Last edited by Mark J Stanley; 03/20/11 06:28 AM.
Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: Mark J Stanley] #187183 03/20/11 06:27 AM
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nix Offline
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ok this is my last post just have to give my opinion one last time.

i think each district should be allowed do decide what weigh in times work best for there district, what time d1 weighs in has no bearing on what time d4 weighs in. there is no way possible for one district to have an advantage over another district due to weigh in times.

so i really do not see why another district would even care what time another district weighs in it does not affect them one bit.

if you give a 6 hour window to weigh in, well every kid in that district has the same time table to weigh in so it's still an even playing field for all kids in that district.

i cannot see any good in making all districts weigh in at the same time unless someone can point out what advantage it would have over one district over another.

"Saints should always be judged guilty until they are proved innocent"

jeff nix
Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: nix] #187184 03/20/11 06:41 AM
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Hossus Offline
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Thank you Mr. Stanley for the clarification.

Personal lesson learned: I need to start reading the minutes from the meetings. Apparently there is a ton of info in them.

Fortune assists the daring.
Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: Hossus] #187187 03/20/11 12:10 PM
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first of all i am not ticked, would never get ticked over youth sports.

comparing traffic law to this is apples to oranges. please don't try to tell me that you have never broken any law, therefore you can sit and judge d4. that's about as sad as saying parking is an advantage.

soo in your logic..... you are a lawyer and want to ticket pelland, for breaking the law????

the facts you gave are facts. but the real fact is all kids are different. an advantage to one might well be a disadvantage to another.

i completely agree that consistency is key when enforcing rules, i'm just playing devil's advocate here. thanks for the offer on the shoes but red isn't my color. envy green really doesn't suit me either, i guess we have to differ there also. GOOD LUCK AT STATE.

"with attitude, will, and some spirit"
Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: Beeson] #187188 03/20/11 12:14 PM
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lylegeyer Offline
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Originally Posted By: Beeson
Here is my argument, weigh in at noon is alot different then weighing in at 6 or 7....huge diffence. If we are going to make it the same across the state lets make it fair across the state. Weigh ins should be the same. six hours is alot of time to put on extra weight.
Beeson, you would have a point if the district 1, 2, or 3 had to wrestle district 4 yesterday, but they didn't. So its fair. Everyone in dist. 1 , 2, 3, and 4 all had to compete in their districts with the same opportunity as other kids in their own districts. Now if dist. 2 had to wrestle dist 4 yesterday, then yes unfair advantage to dist 4, but that's not the case. Just as in next week the state tourny will have the kids competing against each other going by the same times as well. Its pointless to argue dist. 4 has a weight advantage when all dist. 4 kids have the same advantage as the other dist. 4 kids. So dist. 1,2, and 3 pull your panties out, dist. 4 will weight in at the same time as you all next week when we are in the same tournament. And i'm sure all those extra pounds these little kids packed on in the extra 7 hrs in dist. 4 will be gone. One more thing. if it was such a huge advantage, then it will only be a disadvantage next week to dist. 4 so you can look at things many many different ways. Just quit crying and wrestle.

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: lylegeyer] #187193 03/20/11 01:07 PM
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in following the logic of the "greener grass/fair police", i feel that the state needs start taking more control of youth wrestling.

- limit the number of practice hours per week. can't have some kid go for three days when others only get two. and omg what if some kid gets in four nights of practice!
- what about coaches, i mean some kids have four time state champions for coaches. that's got to be a disadvantage to someone.
- d4 already brings up the travel distance. the state board should make a rule that states all kids have to travel equally. be it near or far, it must be consistent and equal. no exceptions, consistency is key.
- all districts need a richard. some think it's a disadvantage to have such a HA running the show, while other districts get to slide
- how about shoes, i mean some of these shoes look they would perform better than others. let's make them all wear the same shoes.
- singlets.....some singlets wick the moisture away from the skin. all kids have to have those it is totally unfair for some to have them and others not to
- headgear- i know for a fact that some of these limit the ability to hear your coach. not fair.
- brackets.... some districts only have 3 kids, those kids didn't have to earn it as much as a district with 8. not fair. not consistent. not equal.
- excercising- it should be against the rules for any kid to do more sit-ups,pull-ups, and push-ups than another kids. the state really needs to look into this one. talk about a disadvantage.
- weigh ins seem to be a huge problem, as FORMER HA CLUB PRESIDENT BEESON POINTED OUT. let's make them ALL matside weigh-ins. that is truly the only way to go. fair enough for everyone.
- medals- why would we ever think that it's fair, consistent, or equal to give out medals of different color. i mean look at the prices of gold and silver, not even close to being EQUAL.
- come on usawks, can't you see the unfair advantages that some of these kids are getting. please step in now, before this gets really out of hand.
- when we get this straight we can head to washington, i mean communism is the only way for equality right? i worked out great for the ussr for everyone to have the same, right?

"with attitude, will, and some spirit"
Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: HEADUP] #187199 03/20/11 01:36 PM
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Mark J Stanley Offline
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lylegyer and nix,

Both of your recent arguments were presented by the dissenting vote during discussion before the vote on standardizing weigh in times. I personally wanted an earlier weigh in time in D1 as well, all though not all of the voting members of D1 agreed with me (which is OK because reasonable men can disagree). I have helped organize a Senior Classic for District One high school senior participants for 4 years now and could see the advantages to an earlier weigh-in in regards to splitting my time between two competing interests. Those opposed to it did not want to change to an earlier time for of a couple reasons. One, they did not want Mom/Dad to have to take off of work earlier in order to get little Johnny to weigh in. Second, not all school districts are on the same Spring Break schedule and if school is in session then having a 1pm weigh in is not possible if you cannot get into your facility until 3:30-4:00. Those in favor of standardizing the weigh in times wanted consistency. In the end, the school of thought which prevailed was consistency and by a vote 13-2 weigh in times were agreed to by representatives of all four districts at the Executive Council meeting. Anything that happened in variance to these agreed to times after that vote was for one of two reasons….either those who made the decision to deviate were ignorant to the vote or they chose to oppose the rule by doing their own thing anyway. Neither is a good thing and in my opinion both need to be addressed and fixed.

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: Mark J Stanley] #187201 03/20/11 01:44 PM
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Mark J Stanley Offline
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I understand that most of your "greener grass" policies are satirical in nature. However, if you feel strongly about any of them either convince the representatives of your District to fight for them or run for a seat on the board and fight for them yourself. Not enforcing established rules is the issue here. This is not about D1 imposing its will on D4; the vote was 13-2 and D1 only has four votes on the Executive Committee.

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: HEADUP] #187222 03/20/11 05:41 PM
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Tyson Schreiner Offline
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Friday we had a 65 mile drive to weigh in, and a two hour window to do it in, same as everyone else in D1. But if I would have been able to weigh in at 1:00pm, I sure would have taken advantage of it. My job allows me to take off when I need to at just about any time, not everyone has that ability. So for those in D4 that do not have that ability, some kids in their weight class may have had many hours more time to refuel, where it would have been an advantage in that district. So I feel that it should be the same across the state.

Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: Tyson Schreiner] #187223 03/20/11 05:49 PM
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nix Offline
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Originally Posted By: Tyson Schreiner
some kids in their weight class may have had many hours more time to refuel, where it would have been an advantage in that district.

whats any diffrent than kids not being able to weigh in of friday nite thus giving the ones who did weigh in on friday more time to refuel than a kid that has to weigh in on saturday.

Last edited by nix; 03/20/11 05:50 PM.

"Saints should always be judged guilty until they are proved innocent"

jeff nix
Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: Mark J Stanley] #187226 03/20/11 05:59 PM
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nix Offline
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Originally Posted By: Mark J Stanley
Those opposed to it did not want to change to an earlier time for of a couple reasons. One, they did not want Mom/Dad to have to take off of work earlier in order to get little Johnny to weigh in. Second, not all school districts are on the same Spring Break schedule and if school is in session then having a 1pm weigh in is not possible if you cannot get into your facility until 3:30-4:00.

mark i can understand the vote and rules i can not argue that point all i am saying if for the future. districts should be allowed to decide there own weigh in times, the point about parents needing to take off work would only matter if they cut of weigh ins really early, you cut weigh ins off at 8 pm you still might have some that have to take off work to make that.

Last edited by nix; 03/20/11 06:13 PM.

"Saints should always be judged guilty until they are proved innocent"

jeff nix
Re: Weigh-in times for the 4 Districts not the same!! [Re: nix] #187229 03/20/11 07:05 PM
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ReDPloyd Offline
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I thought that you had checked out and were likely basking on the beaches of Maui. You aren't still in SC waiting for fall are you? I do like your addiction for the sport though.

Lee Girard
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