Nice math Coach Church. GREAT humor HEADUP.

Will, come on. Give Robles his credit. A national title while entering and exciting on crutches due to his disability? I know I don't know as much as wrestling as you do - but it seems to me that other wrestlers could figure out a way to beat Robles. Especially from the neutral position. Create angles. Don't tie up. Images of Jon Smith shooting a single leg and taking Robles down all match long come to mind. . . Not that it ever happened. But I can sure envision it.

I was impressed and inspired. I am happy for him. Great story.


PS: Agreed Mr. Geyer, especially with your last sentence. On the night of the finals, Burroughs was so good he could have played the two for one game and teched our own Caldwell. But, he was smart. Got his big lead, knew he had his title wrapped up and roasted it on in. Smart, not stalling.

D. Dean Welsh, Junction City
***Dean plays well with others!!! ;-)