Sounds to me like you would be an excellent candidate to step up and take over the Elementary Dual teams for next year. It amazes how someone who goes out of their way, spends a ton of extra time trying to get dual teams put together to represent the state of Kansas receives nothing but criticism. Just like a High School dual, you move wrestlers around to make the strongest team possible!

March 25, 2011 08:51 AM ----- We will be having a meeting Tuesday March 29th at 6:30 pm at my office to get started picking the teams. Any coaches that would like to have some input are welcome. The address is 9915 W 21st N - Wichita, KS 67205

It also sounds to me like you should read the posts, maybe then you or your coaches could have made arrangements to be at the meeting! Most people were or are still wrestling on the weekends, and spend Sundays with their families, therefore Tuesday sounded just as good as any. I know on here it also asked to send in any and all information you may have about your child or children that may be interested in wrestling. This was an attempt to make meeting a little easier, but you can't please everyone!!

Last edited by John Moses; 03/31/11 06:54 PM.

John Moses
Maize Wrestling
316 209 8661