I did not sign on to listen to your rant. I did not insult anyone including you. I asked clear questions and would like them answered. I am sure it is safe to say that you were a member of that comittee. Seeings your a man of great vizion and apparent wisdom maybe you can answer the questions. I have kept up with this thread frequently and what was presented today is far from what has been posted and a far cry from the facts of these boys true wrestling statistics of this year. If the team was going to be hand picked by one such as yerself it should have been stated. It has not been selected by accurate true facts of their records and state placings... WHICH WAS STATED ON THIS THREAD for the selection process. So please refrain from your typing in red and bullying tactics. I want to know why and who placed them like that. If you can not justify what was done and why and have no recall of the meeting that took place then you are the wrong man for the job also. A little clarity on the selection would put this to bed.