Originally Posted By: fastonyourfeet
What do u have to do to get to wrestle in the senior national tournament does anybody get to go.....


Must be enrolled in high school with senior eligibility and fit one of the following requirements:
** 5th year Seniors are NOT eligible to compete.
- State Champion or State Runner-up during the duration of your high school wrestling scholastic career.
- IN, NJ, NY will qualify the top 4 state place finishers
- CA will qualify the top 8 in their state

- Placed in the following NHSCA Events during Freshman thru Junior year:
- Top 4 at the NHSCA National Open
- Top 8 at the NHSCA Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior Nationals

- If you do not meet any of the criteria listed above, you will need to petition for a wild card please email us.

Please Note: All Wild Cards are announced Fridays (if you send by Thursday close of business).

Richard D. Salyer