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Kansas_Coach Offline OP
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Just some information to those of you that might be new to the National Dual Teams format. If you plan on joining Team Kansas at Cadet or Junior Duals you MUST be planning to attend MOST of the Regional Training Centers. We are also asking you to committ to the State FS & GR tournament in Rose Hill as well as the Southern Plains Camp and tournament.

The Southern Plains Camp and Tournament are being used this year as a Duals Prep Camp simply because it falls right before each of the Cadet & Junior National Dual Tournaments. The other main reason we expect you to attend Southern Plains is because it provides our team SEEDING POINTS if you place in the top 3 at either/both styles. This is how we separate pools when we get to these tournaments. It is very important that we get our best wrestlers to attend.

Our National Team Coaching Staff is very excited to give you the opportunity to train with our best wrestlers around the state. We are looking forward to seeing all of you this Sunday and throughout the Summer.

Russ Hermreck
Kansas Cadet & Junior Director

Russ Hermreck
Kansas Cadet Director
Paola Wrestling Coach
Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: Kansas_Coach] #189249 04/15/11 10:41 PM
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tbau Offline
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Since this is being used as a prep camp this year and gas is inching closer to $4 a gallon, are you going to organize transportation to the camp so parents don't have to make two trips to hays. Is this camp mandatory?

Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: tbau] #189259 04/16/11 05:49 PM
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Kansas_Coach Offline OP
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I will be in communication with the Southern Plains Coaches and staff and we will try to organize a means to assist with getting our athletes to the camp.

We are stressing that all athletes that plan on attending the National Dual Tournaments attend the Southern Plains Camp and Tournament.

Our problem this year with the State Tournament being on such a busy weekend, we are aware that we will probably have low numbers in attendance with our Cadets & Juniors. We always use our state tournament to choose and fill our dual teams. There lies the problem, "how do we choose them if they are not there?" Therefore we would like them all to be at Southern Plains so we can attempt to work out our lineups.

Russ Hermreck
Kansas Cadet Director
Paola Wrestling Coach
Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: Kansas_Coach] #189269 04/17/11 01:26 AM
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John Johnson Offline
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If they are not there, that means they do not care (or they have a reasonable reason, which can be worked out), if the state tourney does not mean anything, then why would we go????? Isn't that what you are saying. Not complaining, but just making a point. The State tourney should mean something.

Also, when are weigh-in going to be for cadets??? Would like to get hotel reservations?????????????????????

Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: John Johnson] #189274 04/17/11 03:15 AM
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GARAW Offline
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Hello everyone.

lineage2 lineage2
Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: Kansas_Coach] #189275 04/17/11 11:45 AM
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wrestlingmom Offline
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Is State still being used as a qualifier for Fargo? Or are these kids also required to do southern plains?

Sharon Henes
STA Wrestling - President Emeritus!
Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: wrestlingmom] #189282 04/17/11 05:37 PM
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shwrestlingmom Offline
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So let me get this right! I have to send my wrestler to Southern plains to be on the national team this year! Are you aware of the costs?!!

Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: shwrestlingmom] #189291 04/17/11 06:49 PM
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bug Offline
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What if its the other way around where you can make it to state but cant to Southern Plains?

Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: bug] #189295 04/17/11 10:36 PM
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YippieSkippie Offline
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neither of these tournaments matter, those who set the teams know who they want and have already put out informal invites, state and southeern plains won't change anything!

Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: YippieSkippie] #189297 04/17/11 11:14 PM
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Kansas_Coach Offline OP
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The State Tournament is very important. That is how our Dual Teams are selected. We simply look at the first place finishers at each weight class and that is the guy we target for duals. We run into problems when our state tournament is one of only a few tournaments that we have and usually speaking our kids wrestle a different weight class at duals then they are wrestling at the state tournament. For example: quite often we have our state champion at 135lbs that decides to wrestle at 130 or 125 for the duals, well then we have both of those individuals at both of those weights also competing on the team as well.

This year with lots of schools having graduations on that weekend, we expect our Junior numbers to be considerably down. Time will tell.
Remember TOP 3 at each weight class in EACH STYLE qualify that those individuals for our National Team for FARGO. You can do this at the STATE TOURNAMENT OR SOUTHERN PLAINS.

Southern Plains is not required but yes we would like our athletes to attend. It allows our athletes to score seeding points for National Duals and Fargo.

Russ Hermreck
Kansas Cadet Director
Paola Wrestling Coach
Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: Kansas_Coach] #189300 04/18/11 12:22 AM
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YippieSkippie Offline
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Why would you allow weight changes from state to the duals? As long as this is the case them state is just another tourny.

Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: YippieSkippie] #189301 04/18/11 01:06 AM
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doug747 Offline
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There is no conspiracy to keep your son off of the team. Simply put, and I'll use my son as an example: he doesn't feel like cutting weight, so he'll wrestles what he weighs up until Southern Plains, where he may or may not cut weight. For the duals, he will wrestle at a weight that will help the team field the toughest squad possible, assuming he is one of the guys good enough to go. I know it is expensive to participate in these tourneys, but it is important for two reasons. 1-To help determine the teams, we need as many matches between the best kids, so that there is some criteria as to who is the best kids at each weight. 2-We have to have our kids SHARP for the duals, and wrestling, at least practicing, is very important to do that.

There is noone that has been informally invited, other than EVERYONE. There has been some names posted on here, but it is no more than a "here is a partial list, who are we forgetting" type of list. I wish we could, one time, take the BEST that Kansas has to offer, to our duals events. It is frustrating to the kids that participate, to see kids that could help us, sitting it out for whatever reason.

So in case you are feeling left out, here is your invite:

If your kid was born in 1997 or 1998, he is invited to let Tom Williams know that he is interested in being a part of Team Kansas for the Schoolboy Duals in June.

If your kid was born in 1995 or 1996, he is invited to let Russ Hermreck know that he is interested in being a part of Team Kansas for the Cadet Duals in June.

If your kid was born in 1993 or 1994, he is invited to let Russ Hermreck know that he is interested in being a part of Team Kansas for the Junior Duals in June.

Last edited by doug747; 04/18/11 01:07 AM.
Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: doug747] #189305 04/18/11 01:23 AM
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YippieSkippie Offline
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my statement has nothing to do with my son, it's about the system and how the team selections really have nothing to do with the results from state or southern plains. There will be wrestlers on the teams that don't go to either tourny and still wrestle all the dual matches. JMO

Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: YippieSkippie] #189306 04/18/11 11:40 AM
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Chief Renegade Offline
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As the director of the duals has stated, the state tournament is very important, as is Southern Plains. To say that the results have nothing to do with team selections is just not true. It is true that there will likely be wrestlers on the teams that don't go to either tourney. They are not a prerequesite but they help prepare our teams and gain SEEDING points! We need a BIG turnout at Southern Plains. We also need FS/GR mat time! Our par terre skills need A LOT of work for our teams to medal. The Training Center sites are a fantastic tool to strengthen our wrestlers in these styles.

Get involved! Get our best wrestlers on the mat right now! Let's bring the best that Kansas has to Indianapolis, Daytona Beach and OKC! In my opinion, this is the best time of year!

We want YOU on the team! Go Kansas!!

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12

Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: YippieSkippie] #189317 04/18/11 04:24 PM
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doug747 Offline
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Let's put it this way:
Wrestler A and Wrestler B are very similar talent wise.

Wrestler A is practicing, and attending tourneys, state tourney, southern plains, etc.

Wrestler B is not doing anything to make himself a better FS GR wrestler, but decides he wants to go to the duals.

There is little doubt which kid I would pick for the team.

Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: doug747] #189320 04/18/11 06:10 PM
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rassler Offline
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I think the Kansas coaches are missing the point. For a lot of kids attending state, southern plains and duals is not really an option financially. lets look at the costs.
State tournament
1. Entry fee-$30
2. Hotel 1 night-$60
3.Gas to and from tournament- $75
4. Incidentals-Food, drinks etc...- $100

Southern Plains
entry fee-$60

Entry fee-$200

that comes to $1000 to attend all three tournaments, that is not even the parents cost to attend southern plains or duals to watch there kid wrestle. I dont think in todays economy that many parents can afford all three tournaments. Maybe reduce the cost of the southern plains camp and include the cost of the tournament in it like it used to be. I don't know what the answer is but a lot of kids are going to be excluded on cost alone. Just my two cents for whatever they are worth.

Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: rassler] #189326 04/18/11 06:41 PM
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doug747 Offline
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Your numbers are low on duals, and probably pretty close on state and southern plains, even though you do NOT have to participate in the SP camp, to wrestle SP.

I agree, some kids may miss out because of money. Hopefully they don't miss out because dad isnt' willing to give up his case of beer per night habit, or mom's addiction to shoes...........Or just "having to have" that new car, rather than driving the old beater for a few more years.....

My opinion is that where there is a will, there is a way.

As an example, last weekend, my son took advantage of the opportunity to earn $25 credit towards Fargo, by refereeing at a FS GR tourney. He also has a summer job to help himself out as well.

It is expensive, but not if you look at it as a "big picture". Invaluable lessons and experience to take part in summer wrestling, just like Folkstyle wrestling.

Last edited by doug747; 04/18/11 06:42 PM.
Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: doug747] #189334 04/18/11 08:13 PM
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shwrestlingmom Offline
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I agree rassler then add in if they want to go to Fargo and cost for that is $500. We have done fundraisers in the past but this year the racetrack does not need help and Southern Plains is the weekend that he would work setting up fireworks stands. Trying to look at the "big picture" but for the senior boys add on cost of graduation and items needed to be bought for them to live away from home and the pocket book is getting thin. Hopefully skipping Southern Plains won't hurt his chances but he needs to earn money for duals and Fargo and he can make most of it at the fire works stand.

Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: shwrestlingmom] #189335 04/18/11 08:55 PM
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tbau Offline
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I agree with Rassler also, Doug that was a really ignorant statement you made, I work two jobs my wife also works, I am not an alcoholic and my wife owns 3 pairs of shoes, we will go to state, and my son would like to wrestle at the duals if asked but we may and may not go to southern plains, The camp is definately out of the question we will have to see about the tournament. maybe if we were all contactors who overcharged people for cheaply built houses during the housing boom money would not be an issue, but unfortunately for most of us it is.That statement i just made was almost as ignorant as doug saying that people who cant afford to go are alcoholics with a wife who has a shoe fetish. If you would like to discuss this further give me a call or better yet talk to me during a tournament so we can discuss it face to face. People like you making assinine statements like that is what is wrong with Kansas wrestling.

Tom Baughman

Last edited by tbau; 04/18/11 09:22 PM.
Re: IMPORTANT CADET AND JUNIOR INFORMATION: [Re: tbau] #189343 04/19/11 01:15 AM
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doug747 Offline
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My quote: I agree, some kids may miss out because of money. Hopefully they don't miss out because dad isnt' willing to give up his case of beer per night habit, or mom's addiction to shoes...........Or just "having to have" that new car, rather than driving the old beater for a few more years.....

Now where in this statement did I say "if your kid misses out, it is because you are an alcoholic, and your wife has a shoe fetish."

I said hopefully that is NOT the reason they miss out. But there are cases where it is, and I've pulled money out of my pocket to make sure some of those kids did NOT miss out. As bad as things are now, I won't be doing that anytime soon.

Actually, I said that some kids WILL miss out because of money.

If you still think we need to talk about it, look me up. Don't talk tough to me for something I didn't say.

Last edited by doug747; 04/19/11 01:17 AM.
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