I know a lot of the Kansas Wrestling Community follows this topic on a regular basis. Over the three years that I have been compiling, researching and reporting on this list, I have received a lot of help from you. I have also received a lot of compliments from you about it. You have shown great appreciation for it and it certainly has more than made my time involved more than well worth it. I get as excited about hearing about all the individual wrestlers who are committing to go on to college to fulfill their post high school wrestling and academic dreams.

At this time I am going to ask you a favor. Please take the time to get involved in the new Kansas College Wrestling Fund. I have personally spent a great deal of time over the last four to five months helping to get this fund started. I plan to devote more time as a helper to promote the fund in the future. I have already sent in my first financial donation to the fund. I urge all of you to do the same with whatever you can do in the form of a financial donation. All the donations are important (Big or Small). The important thing is to make one. Perhaps you can best do it on a regular monthly basis. I know there is a way to automatically deposit from your account an amount into this fund. Contact Sean McCarthy for more information on that. And the most important thing we all can do is to contribute our time and talent to help promote this Kansas College Wrestling Fund in our local wrestling communities.

As a wrestling community we cannot depend on College Athletic Departments, College Presidents or Legislators to do the job for us. If we want college wrestling for all these deserving young wrestlers we have to financially support it. Please join this fight by supporting the Kansas College Wrestling Fund with your time, talent and treasure.

Thank you.

Vince Nowak
Kansas College Wrestling Fund Supporter
Please join the fight with your contributions