The best kid in my opinion not mentioned so far if he goes 138 is Austin Hughey of ElD. 2x kids state champion and state medalist. Also state runner up Ochs HX but he might be slated for 132. Don't sleep on Zeigler of BC, he is a state medalist also probably going 138 or 145. Other state medalist not mentioned so far that could factor at 138 are Fiscus CHA, Murdock PAR, Miller ANDA and Morgan BLD.
As far as 4A, Kriss is definitely the favorite. Hughey is no. 2 in my book. Next 5 in no particular order is, Gehring, Fiscus, Miller, Morgan and Murdock if they are at 138.
Others possible 138ers that could factor would be, Ogden RV, White MUL, Wools PIT, Hughes FtS, Lassiter HOL and Rodriguez ULY.
Would love to hear more selections too.