Alot of you might know about Olympic Coach Joe Seay, World title-Sammy Henson, Champion-Tony Purler, What did they have in common? Advocare was in there bag or on there shelf! Joe wouldn't train you without it. So What I'm offering to help this sport out as an ex-wrestler myself. If any one buys the products from me or wants to have a fund raiser, and "you make all the money" (I get the glory, you get all money from it, I just the glory that I helped)
Contact Kevin Clem @ 316-871-8845 Why give your money to Walmart? When anyone buys the "Rehydrate, Vitamins, Spark nutritional, anything, you get the funds! I might add that you wouldn't have to handle any product, I can do that for you, but I would have to know its from your club or going to the College fund.

Last edited by sparkywow1; 11/29/11 06:13 PM.