The Christ of Christmas

Prophets long before His birth had predicted His arrival

But when He came, few noticed, nor cared for His survival

He came in lowly circumstance, this Savior of all men

And lived a perfect sinless life that we can’t comprehend

Not a sin in thought or word or deed came from His holy person

No slander, gossip, pride, and no unthinkable perversion

No lies, no cursing, hateful thoughts, or lustful secret feelings

No materialistic selfish wants or thievish double dealings

Both God and man were harmonized in His perfect incarnation

So He could die as your substitute and save you from damnation

He rose again up from the grave so you could be forgiven

And to show the world once and for all that He’s the only way to heaven

If you repent and trust in Him, and not in your own “goodness,”

God will change your heart, forgive you, and transform you to the fullest

Jesus called it being born again, and unless you heed His call

You’ll think it strange and foolish to consider Him at all

But once you do, you’ll understand the reason for your life story

To know Christ Jesus as your Lord, and forever give Him glory.

(Written by a friend of mine!)

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12