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smokeycabin Offline OP
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USA Wrestling-Kansas Inc. - Kansas College Wrestling Fund (KCWF)
7208 Magnolia Way
Hutchinson, KS 67502-9380
It is the mission of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund to provide financial support for Kansas colleges and universities with active college wrestling programs. This financial support to Kansas colleges and universities will help provide wrestling, academic and eventual career opportunities for student athlete wrestlers in the State of Kansas.
Individual and corporate donor annual gifting levels:
Platinum Level-$5,000 and above
Gold Level-$2,000 to $5,000
Silver Level-$500-$1,999
Bronze Level-$1-$499
Checks should be made out to: USAW - Kansas College Wrestling Fund
Tax ID – Number 48-0981221 501 c (3) exemption
Thank you for your support of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund
Where to send checks:
USA Wrestling-Kansas Inc. - Kansas College Wrestling Fund (KCWF)
7208 Magnolia Way
Hutchinson, KS 67502-9380
Kansas College Wrestling Fund Committee: Please call or e-mail if you have any questions.
Sean McCarthy – Chairman (913) 579-1835 – cell, e-mail - smokeycabin@hotmail.com
Will Cokeley - Vice Chairman (708) 267-6615 – cell, e-mail – willcokeley@gmail.com
Bill Peterman – Secretary (913) 626-4459 – cell, e-mail – billpeterman@hotmail.com
USA Wrestling – Kansas Inc. – Treasurer (Mike Juby – e-mail – mikejuby@usawks.com)
Wayne Petterson – College Coach – (620) 431-2820 Extension 210 work, e-mail wpetterson@neosho.edu
Joe Renfro – College Coach – (620) 717-3196, e-mail joer@labette.edu
Ryan Smith – College Coach – (316) 617-9025, e-mail smithry@newmanu.edu
Steve Woody – USAWKS – Corporate Board Director (District IV Director) (785) 626-3309, e-mail stripes@ruraltel.net
Travis Keal – Kansas Wrestling Coaches Association President (913) 645-6050 – cell, e-mail tkeal@att.net
Jeff Butler – Wrestling Supporter (808) 230-1371 – cell, e-mail jrod400@aol.com

Go to the College Talk Forum for more information on the fund. The minutes from our 1st meeting, parameters, and marketing information can be found in that area. We are working on a web site and hope to have it up and running this fall.

Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: smokeycabin] #191583 08/03/11 09:11 AM
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smokeycabin Offline OP
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Minutes of Kansas College Wrestling Fund
Foundation Committee Board Member Meeting
Sunday June 12, 2011 Noon
Martenelli's Italian Restaurant 158 South Santa Fe Ave. Salina, KS 67401-2810
Sean McCarthy, Board Chairman called the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Foundation Committee Board Member Meeting to order at the above time, date and location.
In lieu of a roll call, Sean McCarthy passed a sign in sheet. Members in attendance were Sean McCarthy, Will Cokeley, Bill Peterman, Wayne Petterson, Joe Renfro, Ryan Smith, Steve Woody, and Vince Nowak. Committee member Travis Keal was not in attendance. Brad Haynes Associate Athletic Director of Fort Hays State University Athletic Department was also in attendance. Will Cokeley prior to the meeting had asked Committee Chairman Sean McCarthy if he could invite Brad Haynes as a special guest. Brad Haynes provided added value to the meeting with the perspective of a college sports department administrator.
There was not a formal introduction of committee members although several members did give a brief introduction of themselves. Sean McCarthy said that he was going to request everyone to do a short bio that he intended to include on the eventual website for the Kansas College Wrestling Fund.
Here is a listing of the committee members and their affiliation to Kansas wrestling:
Sean McCarthy STA Kids Club Director and Head Coach
Will Cokeley USAWKS-Corporate Board Director as Club Representative
Bill Peterman Wrestling Supporter
Wayne Petterson Head Coach of Neosho Community College
Joe Renfro Head Coach of Labette Community College
Ryan Smith Head Coach of Newman University
Steve Woody USAWKS-Corporate Board Director as District IV Director
Travis Keal KWCA President
Vince Nowak Wrestling Supporter
Sean McCarthy gave a brief history of the progress that has been made so far with the fund.
Earlier this year on March 12, 2011 it was announced that the University of Nebraska-Omaha was going to drop its wrestling program along with its football program. The UNO wrestling team was notified of this decision shortly after winning its third straight NCAA Division II national wrestling team title. The news of this announcement rattled the entire national wrestling community. The Kansas wrestling community also became very upset as many of the past and present outstanding wrestlers of UNO were former Kansas high school wrestlers. A discussion immediately ensued of this situation on the USAW-KS website forum. Several participants in these forum discussions decided this would be a good time for the Kansas wrestling community to show our support for our Kansas colleges and universities with college wrestling programs by starting a Kansas College Wrestling Fund.
A few days later on March 16, 2011, Mike Juby Chairman of the USAW-Kansas Corporate Board of Directors was approached by a small group (Sean McCarthy, Randy Hinderliter, Ned Price and Vince Nowak) that had formed in the Northeast Kansas area about the possibility of the USAW-Kansas organization becoming the Administrator/Custodian of a Kansas College Wrestling Fund. Mike Juby replied that subject to the Corporate Board approval that USAW-Kansas could provide administrative support which would include management of the investments, making distributions and reporting results. Mike Juby also said that USAW-KS would be able to provide their 501(c)(3) exemption for the purposes of accepting contributions. Mike Juby asked the group to draft a set of fund parameters that would detail how the fund would work and to include an initial marketing plan to be presented to the May 14,2011 USAW-KS Corporate Board Meeting for approval consideration.
Sean, Randy, Ned and Vince met three times prior to the May 14th meeting. Head Coach Jimmy May of Baker University attended one of these meetings as did Baker Assistant Head Coach George Roath, III. Jeff Butler attended two of these planning meetings. The initial Fund Parameters, Marketing Plan and a Sample Distribution were prepared and sent by e-mail to Mike Juby on May 3, 2011. Sean McCarthy and Vince Nowak attended the USAW-KS Corporate Board meeting as invited guests. Randy Hinderliter, a USAW-KS Corporate Board member also attended. The USAW-KS Corporate Board approved the establishment of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund at this May 14, 2011 meeting. Mike Juby agreed as State Chairman that he would name the first members of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Foundation Committee and its first Chairman. Mike sent an e-mail on 5/23/11 announcing the nine committee
members and naming Sean McCarthy the first committee Chairman. Sean McCarthy on 5/25/11 gave committee members notice of our first meeting on June 12, 2011 in Salina.
Sean McCarthy named Will Cokeley Vice Chairman and Bill Peterman as Secretary of the KCWF Foundation Committee. Sean asked Vince Nowak to assist Bill Peterman in the preparation of the minutes of the meeting.
Will Cokeley read over the original Fund Parameters that were presented to the USAW-Kansas Corporate Board for their May 14th meeting. A significant amount of time was spent discussing individual items in the Fund Parameters and several additions and deletions were voted on and approved.
It was decided and voted on to drop from the original Fund Parameters Articles 2.2.2 which stated:
2.2.2…To seek Kansas wrestling community members to be lifetime donors to the Fund.
The original Article 2.2.4 was as follows:
2.2.4…To foster the growth of new Kansas collegiate wrestling programs including universities with potential NCAA Division I programs.
This article generated a discussion of whether the KCWF should be addressing potential NCAA Division I programs. Will Cokeley felt it should not since he does not believe that it will ever happen and we should not address it in the Fund objectives. Vince Nowak said that over the last few months during this process that he has heard from several Kansas wrestling community members who believe the pursuit of a NCAA D-I wrestling program should be the primary focus of this fund. Will said it would be deceitful to make them think it was going to ever happen and the focus should be on the Kansas schools with current programs. The committee agreed and voted to drop Article 2.2.4.
The original Article 2.2.5 was read:
2.2.5…To provide annual financial support to the Kansas colleges and universities with NCAA, NAIA or NJCAA wrestling programs for tuition, books, and room & board expenses for their wrestling team student athletes.
It was pointed out that the community colleges and Fort Hays State would have difficulty receiving funds this way. Several committee members were also concerned that an institution could decide to alter its own funding of the wrestling program by reducing it by the amount of the donation of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund. It was suggested that donations to an endowment fund could solve this problem for these schools. Several committee members wanted endowment funds to be returned to the Kansas College Wrestling Fund if the institution ever dropped its wrestling program. It was decided to change the original Article 2.2.5 to the following (Note that the number has been changed to 2.2.3 due to the deletions of 2.2.2 and 2.2.4 from the original document:
2.2.3…To provide annual financial support to the Kansas colleges and universities with NCAA, NAIA or NJCAA wrestling programs for current tuition, books, and room & board expenses for their wrestling team student athletes or for the institution’s wrestling endowment fund per stipulations in the Memo of Understanding between the Kansas College Wrestling Fund and the individual institution accepting funding from the Kansas College Wrestling Fund (See 3.5.1 Memo of Understanding and Stipulations for Distributions).
Vince Nowak has added the following Article 3.5.1 to the Revised Fund Parameters:
3.5.1 MEMO OF UNDERSTANDING AND STIPULATIONS FOR DISTRIBUTIONS… To be eligible for distributions a recipient institution must sign a Memo of Understanding with the Kansas College Wrestling Fund in which the institution will agree to either use the funds for current tuition, books, and room & board expenses for their wrestling team student athletes or for the institution’s wrestling endowment fund. If the institution decides to use the distribution for current tuition, books, and room & board expenses for their wrestling team student athletes, it must agree in the Memo of Understanding that it will not reduce its current or future wrestling budget funding due to the distribution that it will receive from the Kansas College Wrestling fund. If the institution chooses to receive its distribution as a contribution to its endowment fund and it ever decides to drop their wrestling program then it must agree in the Memo of Understanding to return to the Kansas College Wrestling Fund the entire amount of funding that it has received from the Kansas College Wrestling Fund.
Will Cokeley proceeded reading Article III of the original Fund Parameters. The next article to receive a considerable amount of discussion was Article 3.3 Investments which reads as follows:
3.3 INVESTMENTS… The Fund Administrator shall invest the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Account assets in a fiduciary manner to maximize fund returns but at a prudent level of risk that allows the Kansas College Wrestling Fund to meet its short and long term obligations/objectives.
Will Cokeley was uncomfortable with the wording of Article 3.3 Investments. Will felt that the fund’s investments should be completely risk averse and all funds should be invested in a money market. Vince Nowak pointed out that money markets are paying a very low rate of return. Will Cokeley pointed out that there were significant market value losses in common stock investments during 2008 and many stock investments lost 50% or more of their investment value that year. Bill Peterman suggested that type of risk could be lessened by a balanced portfolio of a third in stocks, a third in bonds and a third in safe fixed income investments like money markets or CDs. This is an example of diversification in a portfolio that would traditionally yield a higher return than a money market at a generally accepted low level of risk. Vince Nowak also pointed out that Mike Juby had informed him that he preferred for the committee to not include a specific Investment Policy Statement in the Fund Parameters. Will Cokeley expressed again his opinion that all investments in this fund should be in safe vehicles that have no possibility of loss on the principal amount of investment. Will Cokeley said if common stock was donated unrestricted to the fund that he felt it should be sold immediately when Vince Nowak asked him that question. Vince Nowak made the point that better fixed rate returns could be realized in FDIC insured CDs, Federal Agency or high rated Corporate Bonds with slightly longer maturities than in money markets. No change in this article was voted on but Will Cokeley said he planned to discuss it with Mike Juby.
Article 3.4 Expenses was changed to require two signatures on all checks written from the fund. It now reads:
3.4 EXPENSES… The Fund Administrator will pay fund operating and administrative expenses that have been approved by the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Foundation Committee (Articles 4.1 & 4.4.2) from the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Account. Every check for all expenses and distributions must have two signatures, one from the USAW-Kansas Corporate Board of Directors Chairman and one from the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Foundation Committee Chairman or Vice-Chairman.
The next item to generate change was Article 3.5 Distributions. It was decided by the committee that the Fund would not make Special Distributions on loans. The committee voted to change 3.5 by dropping the reference in the first sentence to special distributions. The new Article 3.5 reads:
3.5 DISTRIBUTIONS… The Fund Administrator will make annual distributions from the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Account to the Kansas colleges and universities for their wrestling programs as detailed in Articles V. These payments are payable as soon as possible after the end of the fiscal year but no later than 120 days after the end of the fiscal year.
Article 4.2 was changed to read:
4.2 MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE…There will be a minimum of nine committee members on the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Foundation Committee recommended by the State Chairman of the USAW-Kansas and approved by the USAW-KS Corporate Board of Directors. A minimum of two of the Foundation Committee members will be current members of the USAW-KS Corporate Board of Directors, two at large Kansas wrestling community members, one representative from the Kansas Wrestling Coaches Association, two representatives from Kansas Community Colleges with wrestling programs, and two representatives from four year Kansas colleges or universities with wrestling programs. The initial committee can be set up on an interim basis per the appointment of the State Chairman of the USAW-KS Corporate Board of Directors subject to approval of the Corporate Board of Directors.
Sean McCarthy asked for a slight change in Article 4.5.2 to allow for notification by mail or e-mail. It now reads:
4.5.2…The Chairman of the Foundation Committee will preside over meetings and will give members notice of thirty days prior to meetings by mail or e-mail.
Article 4.6 Quorum and Voting was also slightly changed to require the committee members to use the Reply to All function when voting electronically and for the Secretary to keep records of such votes. It now reads:
4.6 QUORUM AND VOTING…A quorum of the Kansas College Wrestling Foundation Committee shall be the majority of its members but no less than five members including the Kansas College Wrestling Foundation Committee Chairman. All voting matters shall be decided by the majority vote of the committee members at the meeting. Each committee member shall be entitled to one vote except the Chairman. The Chairman of the Foundation Committee votes only in the event of a tie. The vote of the Chairman of the Foundation Committee will decide tie committee votes. The Kansas College Wrestling Foundation Committee Chairman can choose to conduct voting and business by e-mail provided at least 75% of the committee members have voted. The members shall use the e-mail Reply to All response when using electronic voting. The Secretary will keep copies of all electronic voting replies and results.
At this point the discussion moved on to Article 5.1 Distribution Allocation Shares. This generated a great deal of discussion. The original article called for two shares for the four year colleges and one share for the community colleges. The community college committee members asked why it was set up this way. Will Cokeley said we should consider allocating the shares in a way where we could get the biggest impact on a gift, pointing out that a donation could have a bigger percentage impact at Fort Hays State where the total annual
expense is around $11,500 in comparison to a private school that would be closer to $30,000 and we should consider directing more money to where it can make the biggest percentage impact. Vince Nowak stated he did not believe that the percentage impact idea should matter and that the private four year schools should receive the same as Fort Hays State University. Vince Nowak pointed out that the original fund parameters were set up at the 2 shares for a four year and 1 share for a community college to pattern the USAW-KS current allocation. Vince Nowak also said that he had compiled a study that showed it was a less expensive to attend a community college in Kansas about $7,500 a year versus $11,500 at Fort Hays State, and approximately $28, 000 at the private four year universities with wrestling programs. Steve Woody pointed out that this was a statewide effort that would need to appeal to many diverse groups and that he believe it should be an equal share distribution. Bill Peterman made a motion to make the initial distribution equal to all schools for this first year to be revisited at a later date. It was seconded and approved by vote. The article now reads:
5.1 DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATION SHARES…All Kansas colleges and universities with NCAA, NAIA or NJCAA wrestling programs that will compete in the wrestling season following the end of the USAW Kansas fiscal year will be eligible to receive a distribution from the Kansas College Wrestling Fund subject to their agreement to the terms of the Memo of Understanding (3.5.1). Two year colleges (NJCAA wrestling programs) and four year colleges or universities (NCAA and NAIA wrestling programs) will receive equal distribution allocation shares.
It was voted on to drop Article 5.3 on making annual distributions to NCWA Club teams at Kansas colleges and universities.
As stated in the above discussion on Article 3.5 Distributions it was decided and voted on that the Fund would not make Special Distributions or Loans so the Original 5.4 on Special Distributions or Loans was dropped from the Revised Fund Parameters.
It was decided that the original distribution period should be August 31, 2012. The original Article 5.5 was changed to 5.3 to reflect the deletions of original Articles 5.3 and 5.4. The revised 5.3 now reads:
5.3 INITIAL PERIOD DISTRBUTIONS PAYABLE…The initial period for the determination of distributions from the Kansas College wrestling Fund will be from the beginning date that the USAW-KS Corporate Board of Directors authorizes the Kansas College Wrestling Fund to August 31, 2012. At the end of any fiscal year there must be an accrued ending Kansas College Wrestling Fund Balance of at least $5,000 for the Articles 5.2 and 5.3 distributions payable to be calculated and paid.
This completed the discussion of the Fund Parameters.
The next item for discussion was the Initial Marketing Plan prepared for the May 14,2011 USAW-KS Corporate Board Meeting. Several ideas were discussed including a website, brochure, plaques or other rewards for donors and groups to concentrate on in our fundraising efforts.
It was decided to change Item #2 as to the amount of the annual fund raising target. The fundraising target amount by August 31, 2012 was changed from $200,000 to $50,000.
Item #4.3 was slightly changed to read:
4.3. Motivate Kansas wrestling community residents to advocate for the Kansas College Wrestling Fund.
In Section 6: Develop a Marketing Action plan, an addition was made to Action 6 and it now reads:
Action 6: Solicit Corporate Donors in state and out of state. This would include fund raising corporate promotions at companies such as: Casey’s General Stores, Pizza Hut, QuikTrip, grocery stores, restaurants, etc.
Action 11 was altered to take into account the possibility of plaques or other awards for the different level of donors. It now reads:
Action 11: Setup individual and corporate donor annual gifting levels:
Platinum Level-$5,000 and above
Gold Level-$2,000 to $5,000
Silver Level-$500-$1,999
Bronze Level-$1-$499
Consideration will be given to plaques or other various forms of reward recognition for donors at the various levels of gifting.
Action 15 on the original Marketing Plan called for the consideration of a professional fundraiser. It was decided to drop this from consideration at this time.
Action 16 on the original marketing plan which called for asking for a budget of $5,000 for KCWF marketing was dropped.
The original Action 17 became action 15.
The following were new Action items that derived from the discussion.
Action 16: Work with Kansas colleges and universities with wrestling programs to establish an annual Kansas Kids Benefit Tournament for the Kansas College Wrestling Fund. The tournament location would alternate annually between the Kansas colleges and universities which would provide the facilities free of charge.
Action 17: Utilize media such as newspapers, radio and TV to promote the Kansas College Wrestling Fund when these opportunities become available.
Sean McCarthy called for the meeting to adjourn at 3:30 PM.

Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: smokeycabin] #191584 08/03/11 09:13 AM
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smokeycabin Offline OP
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Kansas College Wrestling Fund
Parameters of Fund:
1.1 Name… The name of the fund shall be the Kansas College Wrestling Fund.
1.2 Address … The principal office of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund shall be located at the address of the Principal Office of the United States of America Wrestling Association –Kansas, Incorporated.
1.3 Fiscal Year… The fiscal year of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund shall begin on the first day of September in each year and end on the last day of August each year.
1.4 Fund Administrator/Custodian…The Administrator/Custodian of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund shall be United States of America Wrestling Association –Kansas, Incorporated which will also be referred to as USAW-Kansas.
It is the mission of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund to provide financial support for Kansas colleges and universities with active college wrestling programs. This financial support to Kansas colleges and universities will help provide wrestling, academic and eventual career opportunities for student athlete wrestlers in the State of Kansas.
2.2.1… To provide opportunities for the Kansas wrestling community to support the Kansas College Wrestling Fund thru contributions of their time, talent and financial donations.
2.2.2…To invest in the future of Kansas collegiate wrestling programs by keeping a portion of the annual donations and earnings in the Kansas College Wrestling Fund.
2.2.3…To provide annual financial support to the Kansas colleges and universities with NCAA, NAIA or NJCAA wrestling programs for current tuition, books, and room & board expenses for their wrestling team student athletes or for the institution’s wrestling endowment fund per stipulations in the Memo of Understanding between the Kansas College Wrestling Fund and the individual institution accepting funding from the Kansas College Wrestling Fund (See 3.5.1 Memo of Understanding and Stipulations for Distributions).
2.2.4…To encourage interaction between the coaches and wrestlers of the Kansas college wrestling programs, the Kansas youth wrestling clubs and Kansas high school wrestling programs.
3.1 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS…The Fund Administrator shall establish separate bank and/or investment brokerage accounts for the Fund’s assets.
3.2 RECEIPT OF MONEY AND OTHER DONATED ASSETS…The Fund Administrator will receive money and other donated assets into the Fund’s bank and/or brokerage accounts.
3.3 INVESTMENTS…The Fund Administrator shall invest the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Account assets in a fiduciary manner to maximize fund returns but at a prudent level of risk that allows the Kansas College Wrestling Fund to meet its short and long term obligations/objectives.
3.4 EXPENSES…The Fund Administrator will pay fund operating and administrative expenses that have been approved by the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Foundation Committee (Articles 4.1 & 4.4.2) from the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Account. Every check for all expenses and distributions must have two signatures, one from the USAW-Kansas Corporate Board of Directors Chairman and one from the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Foundation Committee Chairman or Vice-Chairman.
3.5 DISTRIBUTIONS…The Fund Administrator will make annual distributions from the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Account to the Kansas colleges and universities for their wrestling programs as detailed in Articles V. These payments are payable as soon as possible after the end of the fiscal year but no later than 120 days after the end of the fiscal year.
3.5.1 MEMO OF UNDERSTANDING AND STIPULATIONS FOR DISTRIBUTIONS…To be eligible for distributions a recipient institution must sign a Memo of Understanding with the Kansas College Wrestling Fund in which the institution will agree to either use the funds for current tuition, books, and room & board expenses for their wrestling team student athletes or for the institution’s wrestling endowment fund. If the institution decides to use the distribution for current tuition, books, and room & board expenses for their wrestling team student athletes, it must agree in the Memo of Understanding that it will not reduce its current or future wrestling budget funding due to the distribution that it will receive from the Kansas College Wrestling fund. If the institution chooses to receive its distribution as a contribution to its endowment fund and it ever decides to drop their wrestling program then it must agree in the Memo of Understanding to return to the Kansas College Wrestling Fund the entire amount of funding that it has received from the Kansas College Wrestling Fund.
3.6 ANNUAL ACCOUNTING/TAXES/AUDIT…The Fund Administrator will perform an annual fund accounting at the end of each fiscal year. The annual distributions to the Kansas colleges and universities with wrestling programs will be based on this final accounting of Fund Balance Sheet and Income Statement Items. The Fund Administrator shall be responsible for any tax reporting filing requirements for government agencies and individual donors. The Fund Administrator can contract with an outside accountant for the preparation of any tax returns or forms that need to be filed with government agencies or individual donors. If the USAW Corporate Board of Directors orders an audit of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund, the Fund Administrator shall engage a CPA firm to perform the audit and report the results to the USAW-Kansas Corporate Board and the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Foundation Committee (Article IV).
3.7 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES…The Fund Administrator shall be allowed to charge the Kansas College Wrestling Fund an annual administrative fee determined and approved by the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Foundation Committee (Article 4.4.2).
4.1 FORMATION OF COMMITTEE …The USAW Kansas Corporate Board of Directors shall approve a Kansas College Wrestling Fund Foundation Committee.
4.2 MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE…There will be a minimum of nine committee members on the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Foundation Committee recommended by the State Chairman of the USAW-Kansas and approved by the USAW-KS Corporate Board of Directors. A minimum of two of the Foundation Committee members will be current members of the USAW-KS Corporate Board of Directors, two at large Kansas wrestling community members, one representative from the Kansas Wrestling Coaches Association, two representatives from Kansas Community Colleges with wrestling programs, and two representatives from four year Kansas colleges or universities with wrestling programs. The initial committee can be set up on an interim basis per the appointment of the State Chairman of the USAW-KS Corporate Board of Directors subject to approval of the Corporate Board of Directors.
4.3 TERM OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS…The committee members shall serve two year terms. There is no limit on the number of terms served and terms can be consecutive. Terms will be staggered so that at least fifty percent of the committee members continue to serve.
4.4.1…The committee shall prepare an annual Marketing Plan Report that will be presented to the USAW-KS Corporate Board of Directors. This report will include the marketing efforts from most recent year and plans for the upcoming year.
4.4.2…The committee will prepare an annual budget of committee and fund expenses for the new fiscal year to be presented to the USAW-Kansas Corporate Board of Directors. The committee will approve all fund operating and administrative expenses.
4.4.3…The committee will prepare a report of the actual committee expenses for the most recent fiscal year to be presented to the USAW-Kansas Corporate Board of Directors.
4.4.4…The committee will develop and lead fundraising for the Kansas College Wrestling Fund.
4.4.5…The committee will meet at least two times a year at locations voted on and approved by the committee.
4.4.6…The committee will recommend changes to the Parameters of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund. These changes will take effect upon approval of the USAW-Kansas Corporate Board of Directors.
4.5 CHAIRMAN OF THE KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND FOUNDATION COMMITTEE…The Chairman of the USAW-Kansas Corporate Board of Directors shall nominate a Chairman of the Kansas College Wrestling Foundation Committee. The Corporate Board of Directors of USAW-Kansas will approve the nomination.
4.5.1…The Chairman of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Foundation Committee will present the annual reports to the USAW Kansas Corporate Board of Directors.
4.5.2…The Chairman of the Foundation Committee will preside over meetings and will give members notice of thirty days prior to meetings by mail or e-mail.
4.5.3…The Chairman of the Foundation Committee will call for votes of the Committee members on approval of the annual marketing plan, the annual budget plan and for any recommended changes to Fund Parameters.
4.5.4…The Chairman of the Foundation Committee shall appoint a Secretary who will be responsible for the maintenance and reporting of committee minutes and other committee files.
4.5.5…The Chairman of the Foundation Committee shall appoint a Vice Chairman who shall assume the duties of the Chairman if required.
4.6 QUORUM AND VOTING…A quorum of the Kansas College Wrestling Foundation Committee shall be the majority of its members but no less than five members including the Kansas College Wrestling Foundation Committee Chairman. All voting matters shall be decided by the majority vote of the committee members at the meeting. Each committee member shall be entitled to one vote except the Chairman. The Chairman of the Foundation Committee votes only in the event of a tie. The vote of the Chairman of the Foundation
Committee will decide tie committee votes. The Kansas College Wrestling Foundation Committee Chairman can choose to conduct voting and business by e-mail provided at least 75% of the committee members have voted. The members shall use the e-mail Reply to All response when using electronic voting. The Secretary will keep copies of all electronic voting replies and results.
4.7 VACANCIES…If a Foundation Committee member resigns or is unable to serve the Chairman of the Foundation Committee shall have the option to name a interim successor if there are less than the minimum of eight committee members after the vacancy. The interim successor must be approved by the USAW-Kansas Corporate Board of Directors.
5.1 DISTRIBUTION ALLOCATION SHARES…All Kansas colleges and universities with NCAA, NAIA or NJCAA wrestling programs that will compete in the wrestling season following the end of the USAW Kansas fiscal year will be eligible to receive a distribution from the Kansas College Wrestling Fund subject to their agreement to the terms of the Memo of Understanding (3.5.1). Two year colleges (NJCAA wrestling programs) and four year colleges or universities (NCAA and NAIA wrestling programs) will receive equal distribution allocation shares.
5.2 DISTRIBUTION ANNUAL AMOUNT PAYABLE…50% of annual accrued donations to the Kansas College Wrestling Fund will be payable each year at the end of the USAW-KS fiscal year to the Kansas colleges and universities with wrestling programs per allocation shares as detailed in 5.1. In addition 10% of the accrued ending Kansas College Wrestling Fund Balance will be payable each year to the Kansas colleges and universities with NCAA, NAIA or NJCAA wrestling programs per allocation shares as detailed in 5.1. An example of the allocation shares and distribution payable amounts is attached.
5.3 INITIAL PERIOD DISTRBUTIONS PAYABLE…The initial period for the determination of distributions from the Kansas College wrestling Fund will be from the beginning date that the USAW-KS Corporate Board of Directors authorizes the Kansas College Wrestling Fund to August 31, 2012. At the end of any fiscal year there must be an accrued ending Kansas College Wrestling Fund Balance of at least $5,000 for the Articles 5.2 and 5.3 distributions payable to be calculated and paid.

Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: smokeycabin] #191585 08/03/11 09:17 AM
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smokeycabin Offline OP
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Kansas College Wrestling Fund – Initial Marketing Plan Revised 6-12-2011
1. Goal – To raise money for the Kansas College Wrestling Fund
2. Establish an annual fundraising target of $50,000.00 by August 31, 2012.
3. Organizational goal: It is the mission of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund to provide financial support for Kansas colleges and universities with active college wrestling programs. This financial support to Kansas colleges and universities will help provide wrestling, academic and eventual career opportunities for student athlete wrestlers in the State of Kansas.
4. Communications goals:
4.1. Build awareness about Kansas College Wrestling Fund’s work and impact.
4.2. Increase understanding of the relationship between college educations, wrestling and the benefits that these current and future college student athletes will bring back to future wrestling generations.
4.3. Motivate Kansas wrestling community residents to advocate for the Kansas College Wrestling Fund.
5. Marketing Objectives
5.1. Building cooperation and communication within the wrestling community by getting the Kids, High School, and College Wrestling communities excited about the Kansas College Wrestling Fund and its mission.
5.2. Increase the amount of incoming donations annually with a start date in 2010/2011 fiscal year and ending August 31, 2012, and budgeting for a 10% increase in the 2012/2013 fiscal year.
5.3. Identifying Target Audience - Individual donors in state and out of state, Corporate Donors in state and out of state, Kids Clubs and coaches, High School Teams and coaches, Middle School Teams and coaches, Staff members of prospective partner businesses and teams in the state—Work to build understanding with these groups of Kansas College Wrestling Fund and its role in helping student athlete wrestlers.
5.4. Identify Kansas wrestling community leaders who will lead Kansas College Wrestling Fund fundraising and marketing efforts in their own communities.
5.5. Encourage and suggest individual fundraising ideas for club presidents, high school coaches and other community leaders. As an example a decision by individual tournament directors to donate $1 additional entry fee at every Kansas wrestling event (We have estimated entries at approximately 40,000 per season). Individual club and high school team fundraising goals will be encouraged. For example a Kids Club president might encourage team members to individually fundraise an amount $25 to $100 annually.
6. Develop a Marketing Action Plan Action 1: Develop a brochure and cover letter (printable version on website discussed in Action 13 below).
Action 2: Direct Mail and E-mail to Kansas Clubs and Certified Coaches
Action 3: Direct Mail and e-mail to Kansas High School Wrestling Programs and Coaches
Action 4: Identify a statewide e-mail and mailing list of current and past Kansas wrestling alumni and business owners willing to help provide scholarship donations to student athletes at the colleges in Kansas that offer wrestling.
Action 5: Solicit individual donors in state and out of state
Action 6: Solicit Corporate Donors in state and out of state. This would include fund raising corporate promotions at companies such as: Casey’s General Stores, Pizza Hut, QuikTrip, grocery stores, restaurants, etc.
Action 7: Solicit USAW Kansas Kids Clubs for fundraising support.
Action 8: Solicit Kansas High School teams for fundraising support
Action 9: Special fundraising events such as a golf tournament, preseason college tournaments
Action 10: Seek permission from youth and high school wrestling tournament organizers to allow volunteers work informational tables to promote the Kansas College Wrestling Fund.
Action 11: Setup individual and corporate donor annual gifting levels:
Platinum Level-$5,000 and above
Gold Level-$2,000 to $5,000
Silver Level-$500-$1,999
Bronze Level-$1-$499
Consideration will be given to plaques or other various forms of reward recognition for donors at the various levels of gifting.
Action 12: Setup method for electronic donations to Kansas College Wrestling Fund.
Action 13: Setup a website for the Kansas College Wrestling Fund (Joe Knecht to design and maintain website)
Action 14: Ask the USAW-KS Board to allow on the USAW-Kansas Homepage a Kansas College and University Wrestling Section that will list all the Kansas Colleges with wrestling programs, their coaches and will link to their wrestling home pages.
Action 15: Work with the Kansas college and university wrestling coaches to have them actively work with the Kansas wrestling community to promote the Kansas College Wrestling Fund and wrestling in the State of Kansas.
Action 16: Work with Kansas colleges and universities with wrestling programs to establish an annual Kansas Kids Benefit Tournament for the Kansas College Wrestling Fund. The tournament location would alternate annually between the Kansas colleges and universities which would provide the facilities free of charge.
Action 17: Utilize media such as newspapers, radio and TV to promote the Kansas College Wrestling Fund when these opportunities become available.

Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: smokeycabin] #191614 08/05/11 10:33 AM
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Husker Fan

Registered: March, 06 2002
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Loc: Overland Park, KS I know a lot of the Kansas Wrestling Community follows this topic on a regular basis. Over the three years that I have been compiling, researching and reporting on this list, I have received a lot of help from you. I have also received a lot of compliments from you about it. You have shown great appreciation for it and it certainly has more than made my time involved more than well worth it. I get as excited about hearing about all the individual wrestlers who are committing to go on to college to fulfill their post high school wrestling and academic dreams.

At this time I am going to ask you a favor. Please take the time to get involved in the new Kansas College Wrestling Fund. I have personally spent a great deal of time over the last four to five months helping to get this fund started. I plan to devote more time as a helper to promote the fund in the future. I have already sent in my first financial donation to the fund. I urge all of you to do the same with whatever you can do in the form of a financial donation. All the donations are important (Big or Small). The important thing is to make one. Perhaps you can best do it on a regular monthly basis. I know there is a way to automatically deposit from your account an amount into this fund. Contact Sean McCarthy for more information on that. And the most important thing we all can do is to contribute our time and talent to help promote this Kansas College Wrestling Fund in our local wrestling communities.

As a wrestling community we cannot depend on College Athletic Departments, College Presidents or Legislators to do the job for us. If we want college wrestling for all these deserving young wrestlers we have to financially support it. Please join this fight by supporting the Kansas College Wrestling Fund with your time, talent and treasure.

Thank you.
Vince Nowak
Kansas College Wrestling Fund Supporter
Please join the fight with your contributions

Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: smokeycabin] #191617 08/05/11 11:20 AM
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Johnson County Sports Newly formed Kansas College Wrestling Fund seeks area donationsMark Dewar Sports Editor, mdewar@sunpublications.com 913-385-6061
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Print FriendlyThe Kansas College Wrestling Fund is newly formed and accepting donations.

The fund offers wrestling supporters statewide the opportunity to further the sport in the Sunflower State's colleges and universities.

Fund supporters believe the sport to be under attack at the college level and believe their efforts ultimately could prove the difference in a program's survival.

More information on the KCWF is available at www.usawks.com.


Posted Aug. 5, 2011

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Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: smokeycabin] #191686 08/09/11 01:12 PM
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KWCA College Senior Wrestlers of the year

Neil Erisman, Tyler Gonzalez and Jameon Rush are College Senior Wrestlers of the year.

Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: smokeycabin] #191688 08/09/11 07:00 PM
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usawks1 Offline
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Congrats to a very deserving group of fine young men!!

Are you making a POSITIVE difference in the life of kids?

Randy Hinderliter
USAW Kansas
KWCA Rep/Coaches Liaison
Ottawa University Volunteer Assistant
Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: usawks1] #191754 08/16/11 08:52 PM
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We have added another committee member to complete the requirements of our parameters - I think Dan Harris will help the KCWF and our efforts tremendously.

Dan Harris

Dan Harris retired at the end of the 2008-2009 academic year after serving as a coach and administrator at Baker for 26 years. He was assistant football coach from 1983 to 1994 and head baseball coach from 1983 to 1995 before being named athletic director in 1995, a position he held for 14 years. His honors include conference baseball coach of the year in 1992 and 1993; HAAC athletic director of the year in 2002; NAIA Region V athletic director of the year in 2002; NAIA Co-National Athletic Director of the Year in 2002; and National Association of Collegiate Directors Central Division Athletic Director of the Year in 2003 and 2009. He was inducted in 2007 into the NAIA Hall of Fame for meritorious service.
Current •Special Graduate Faculty at University of Kansas
•Retired Director of Athletics at Baker University
Past •Assistant Professor at retired
•retired at Baker University
•Board member at Big Brothers Big Sisters, Douglas
•Assistant Football Coach & Head Wrestling Coach at Grandview High School
•Graduate Assistant in Football & Wrestling at University of Central Missouri
•Assistant Coach/GA at Central Missouri State University
see less

see all
Education •University of Kansas
•Kansas University
•Central Missouri State University
•Drury College
•William Jewell College
•Missouri Valley College
•Drury University
•North Kansas City High School

Last edited by smokeycabin; 08/16/11 08:55 PM.
Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: smokeycabin] #191759 08/17/11 01:39 AM
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Dan Harris is an excellent choice for the Kansas College Wrestling Fund Committee.


Vince Nowak
Kansas College Wrestling Fund Supporter
Please join the fight with your contributions

Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: Husker Fan] #191856 08/26/11 10:18 AM
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Kansas College Wrestling Fund could serve as fundraising model for other states
Add a comment Mark Palmer, College Wrestling Examiner
August 24, 2011 - Like this? Subscribe to get instant updates..PrintEmail
PrintEmail.College wrestling supporters in Kansas have come up with a bright idea to help grow the sport in the Sunflower State that could spread to other states.

The Kansas College Wrestling Fund, a nonprofit 501c(3) organization, has been established to provide financial assistance for colleges and universities in the state with active wrestling programs, the Kansas City Star reported Tuesday.

The fund provides financial and academic support to college wrestling programs within the state of Kansas that may be facing budgetary cuts or outright elimination in today's economic climate.

According to the Fund's press release, individual and corporate donations of any amount are welcome and are tax deductible, using the Tax ID number 48-0981221.

Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: smokeycabin] #191858 08/26/11 01:52 PM
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ike Offline
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The Mat picked up the story today too....


Thanks to all who were involved in making this a reality!

Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: ike] #191869 08/27/11 10:34 PM
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It would be great if we can really make it a success in Kansas and pave the way for similiar funds to form in other states. It would be very good for wrestling.

Vince Nowak
Kansas College Wrestling Fund Supporter
Please join the fight with your contributions

Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: Husker Fan] #191880 08/30/11 10:55 AM
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Kansas College Wrestling Fund could serve as - Road Runner


Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: Husker Fan] #192376 10/01/11 10:51 AM
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In order for this fund to be effective we are going to need a statewide effort. If anyone knows of a business or individual that would like to help this cause and can use a tax write-off please forward the information on to those individuals. If every club and or high school team could set a goal and raise $100-$250 for this fund - our collegiate state programs will be much stronger. In Kansas we have over 400 teams/clubs between high schools and club teams. It is one of the KCWF goals for all our athletes to obtain a College or Vocational Technical College Degree. The kids, young men and women wrestling today will be coaches for future generations. This is a forever fund - LONG AFTER WE are GONE. Thank you for your cooperation.


KCWF Committee


USA Wrestling-Kansas Inc. - Kansas College Wrestling Fund (KCWF)

7208 Magnolia Way

Hutchinson, KS 67502-9380


It is the mission of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund to provide financial support for Kansas colleges and universities with active college wrestling programs. This financial support to Kansas colleges and universities will help provide wrestling, academic and eventual career opportunities for student athlete wrestlers in the State of Kansas.

Individual and corporate donor annual gifting levels:

Platinum Level-$5,000 and above

Gold Level-$2,000 to $5,000

Silver Level-$500-$1,999

Bronze Level-$1-$499

Checks should be made out to: USAW - Kansas College Wrestling Fund

Tax ID – Number 48-0981221 501 c (3) exemption

Thank you for your support of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund

Where to send checks:

USA Wrestling-Kansas Inc. - Kansas College Wrestling Fund (KCWF)

7208 Magnolia Way

Hutchinson, KS 67502-9380

Kansas College Wrestling Fund Committee: Please call or e-mail if you have any questions.

Sean McCarthy – Chairman (913) 579-1835 – cell, e-mail - smokeycabin@hotmail.com

Will Cokeley - Vice Chairman (708) 267-6615 – cell, e-mail – willcokeley@gmail.com

Bill Peterman – Secretary (913) 626-4459 – cell, e-mail – billpeterman@hotmail.com

USA Wrestling – Kansas Inc. – Treasurer (Mike Juby – e-mail – mikejuby@usawks.com)

Wayne Petterson – College Coach – (620) 431-2820 Extension 210 work, e-mail wpetterson@neosho.edu

Joe Renfro – College Coach – (620) 717-3196, e-mail joer@labette.edu

Ryan Smith – College Coach – (316) 617-9025, e-mail smithry@newmanu.edu

Steve Woody – USAWKS – Corporate Board Director (District IV Director) (785) 626-3309, e-mail stripes@ruraltel.net

Travis Keal – Kansas Wrestling Coaches Association President (913) 645-6050 – cell, e-mail tkeal@att.net

Jeff Butler – Wrestling Supporter (808) 230-1371 – cell, e-mail jrod400@aol.com

Dan Harris - Dan.Harris@bakeru.edu

Kansas College and University
Wrestling Teams

Baker University
Benedictine College
Bethany College
Fort Hays State University
Newman University
Colby Community College
Labette Community College
Neosho Community College
Northwest Kansas Technical College
Pratt Community College

Last edited by smokeycabin; 10/01/11 11:10 AM.
Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: smokeycabin] #192701 10/17/11 08:48 PM
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USA Wrestling Kansas District 1 has made a financial committment to this cause. More information will be made available on the Kansas USA Wrestling Web Site in the coming months. If anyone has the name of businesses or individuals who might want to help our colleges and universities please send me their contact information. We will then have a committee member contact them. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the fund.

Thank you on behalf of the KCWF Committee.


Sean McCarthy

Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: Husker Fan] #193448 11/12/11 10:54 AM
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In order for this fund to be effective we are going to need a statewide effort. If anyone knows of a business or individual that would like to help this cause and can use a tax write-off please forward the information on to those individuals. If every club and or high school team could set a goal and raise $100-$250 for this fund - our collegiate state programs will be much stronger. In Kansas we have over 400 teams/clubs between high schools and club teams. It is one of the KCWF goals for all our athletes to obtain a College or Vocational Technical College Degree. The kids, young men and women wrestling today will be coaches for future generations. This is a forever fund - LONG AFTER WE are GONE. Thank you for your cooperation.


KCWF Committee


USA Wrestling-Kansas Inc. - Kansas College Wrestling Fund (KCWF)

7208 Magnolia Way

Hutchinson, KS 67502-9380


It is the mission of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund to provide financial support for Kansas colleges and universities with active college wrestling programs. This financial support to Kansas colleges and universities will help provide wrestling, academic and eventual career opportunities for student athlete wrestlers in the State of Kansas.

Individual and corporate donor annual gifting levels:

Platinum Level-$5,000 and above

Gold Level-$2,000 to $5,000

Silver Level-$500-$1,999

Bronze Level-$1-$499

Checks should be made out to: USAW - Kansas College Wrestling Fund

Tax ID – Number 48-0981221 501 c (3) exemption

Thank you for your support of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund

Where to send checks:

USA Wrestling-Kansas Inc. - Kansas College Wrestling Fund (KCWF)

7208 Magnolia Way

Hutchinson, KS 67502-9380

Kansas College Wrestling Fund Committee: Please call or e-mail if you have any questions.

Sean McCarthy – Chairman (913) 579-1835 – cell, e-mail - smokeycabin@hotmail.com

Will Cokeley - Vice Chairman (708) 267-6615 – cell, e-mail – willcokeley@gmail.com

Bill Peterman – Secretary (913) 626-4459 – cell, e-mail – billpeterman@hotmail.com

USA Wrestling – Kansas Inc. – Treasurer (Mike Juby – e-mail – mikejuby@usawks.com)

Wayne Petterson – College Coach – (620) 431-2820 Extension 210 work, e-mail wpetterson@neosho.edu

Joe Renfro – College Coach – (620) 717-3196, e-mail joer@labette.edu

Ryan Smith – College Coach – (316) 617-9025, e-mail smithry@newmanu.edu

Steve Woody – USAWKS – Corporate Board Director (District IV Director) (785) 626-3309, e-mail stripes@ruraltel.net

Travis Keal – Kansas Wrestling Coaches Association President (913) 645-6050 – cell, e-mail tkeal@att.net

Jeff Butler – Wrestling Supporter (808) 230-1371 – cell, e-mail jrod400@aol.com

Dan Harris - Dan.Harris@bakeru.edu

Kansas College and University
Wrestling Teams

Baker University
Benedictine College
Bethany College
Fort Hays State University
Newman University
Colby Community College
Labette Community College
Neosho Community College
Northwest Kansas Technical College
Pratt Community College

Edited by smokeycabin (10/01/11 07:10 AM)

Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: smokeycabin] #193572 11/16/11 10:58 AM
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Dear Friends of Wrestling:

The time has arrived for the Kansas College Wrestling Fund (KCWF). We have partnered with USA Wrestling-KS, the Kansas Wrestling Coaches and Officials Association, the business community, and our Kansas Wrestling families. Respectfully, we ask your consideration for a donation to our “KCWF Forever Fund.”

Far too many college/university wrestling programs have been lost the last few decades. The recent announcement that perennial NCAA D II powerhouse U. of Nebraska-Omaha (UNO) discontinued its wrestling program shocked the entire wrestling community nationwide. Who would have thought that a university whose team had just won its third consecutive National Championship would be dropped? Given this happened to a stellar program recently, we all acknowledge any and all college wrestling programs are now vulnerable.

Every time a program is cut, our student athletes lose their chance at a college wrestling and educational experience/opportunity that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. How do we combat this erosion of college wrestling programs in our nation, and in particular, in our state of Kansas?

We believe that the wrestling community (wrestlers, parents, coaches, referees, fans and other interested parties) needs to step up and financially support our current in-state programs. Let’s build a fund that will give a noticeable and strong level of support to our existing Kansas college programs. By participating in the “KCWF Forever Fund” college wrestling opportunities will be alive and well in our state for decades to come!

The KCWF will be a “Forever Fund.” It will serve the wrestling community for decades to come. For this initiative to become successful we ALL need to support it with our financial contributions, talent, and time.
There are many ways to customize your contribution and any assistance provided will be tremendously appreciated. No donation is too small! If you personally cannot contribute, that is understandable. Perhaps you know of someone or a business that will be interested … feel free to pass this letter forward.

In closing, please consider the “KCWF Forever Fund.” And please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions. Thank you very much for your time and consideration for the Kansas College Wrestling Fund!


Sean McCarthy, Chairman
KCWF Forever Fund
913.491.5837 (home) / smokeycabin@hotmail.com

The mission of the Kansas College Wrestling Fund is to provide financial support to active college wrestling programs at Kansas colleges and universities. This financial support will help provide wrestling, academic and eventual career opportunities for student athlete wrestlers in the State of Kansas.

Make checks payable: USA Wrestling – Kansas, Inc./KCWF, a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) entity.
Mail to: Mike Juby, Kansas College Wrestling Fund, 7208 Magnolia Way, Hutchinson, KS 67502

Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: smokeycabin] #193875 11/23/11 09:51 AM
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No amount is to small or to large!

Re: KANSAS COLLEGE WRESTLING FUND [Re: smokeycabin] #194979 12/13/11 10:46 AM
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Make a difference. This is a long term project that will help our student athletes and programs in Kansas for many many years.

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