If the other kid is a fish, it isn't right at all. If the other kid is capable of defending himself, I see nothing wrong with a kid getting more work on his feet.

You can't cut a kid from his back to his feet, that is unsportsmanlike I believe, and is a penalty point.

If the other kid isn't able to put up a decent fight, I say pin him and get it over with, noone is getting anything out of it. What should happen is the good kid should use some technique that is new to him, or that he needs work on. If a kid pins everyone with a bar arm half, tell him to use something other than that to pin the kid, so he is forced to broaden his arsenal.

But the question should be asked, what is more demoralizing, getting taken down repeatedly, or getting pinned in 5 seconds.

Both kids paid their entry fee, one knowing he can get some extra work in, the other knowing it is possible he could get his a$$ handed to him. Careful to not "protect" kids from reality, but I also see your point IF you are talking about a kid that is not very good, wrestling a kid that is very good. I saw it at USJOC, and the kid doing the cutting was a stud, and the kid getting cut was repeatedly taken down with nothing more than a bullrush. No technique.

I will stand my ground with anyone if they tell me to have my kid pin their kid quickly. Nothing wrong with working some technique, if the circumstances are right.

My two cents worth.

Last edited by doug747; 01/09/12 10:32 PM.