In the USA we now teach our kids to call 911 for every thing.In school we teach them they can not fight back.If they do fight back the school kicks them out for fighting.All the schools now push the NO BULLY thing over and over.
I think there is some thing roung there.You grab my wife I will not call 911[till it is done].I will teach my kids the same. You attack me I will defend wife,kids and myself [in turn atack you] We are teaching our kids to rely on some one else for help all the time.Life is not fair nor will it ever be.If some kid attacks my son I hope he will defend himself[attack back].I know I will spend every dim I have to let the school know here in the USA we can defend our self.
Now all of that said. My son is the nice kid.Every time he has made a piont is was becouse the oponet he was facing tryed to hurt him.We have been on the reciving end of some take downs over and over.I THANKED EVERY KID THAT DID THIS TO THE BOY. Life is hard. This is one of the only sports that if kids want,and work for it.They will get better and will not get made fun of.