Originally Posted By: 2coach
ok enough about take downs and letting up, my question was really if the kid is in a pinning position can he then jump off the kid or is he supposed to pin him? That's all I really wanted to know.

It's unsportsmanlike conduct to let a kid straight off his back. There is some judgement involved as was the kid struggling and the offensive wrestler in a predicament (ie. reversal if he doesn't get off etc.) to just getting off of him.

I have to admit I got called for this once in High School because I didn't know what the rules were about it, after that I never did it again. I can see now being on the other side of the coin how it can be taken as unsportsmanlike.

Now onto the takedown vs. escape etc. debate. What's the difference if a kid takes another kid down and lets him up, down, up, down, up etc. and a kid who just cheap tilts another kid to a tech fall? Should he not turn the kid because he can't defend it?

Alex R. Ryan
KSHSAA Official #15616
USAWKS Official #707