Originally Posted By: Paratroop
On my first trip to the Newton TOC, I'd have to say I had a blast. Got to see some tough wrestling action with a lot of ups and downs. It was definitly some good prep for the state tournament. I also have to give a big hats off to those involved with making this tourney happen. The finals were pretty entertaining with all of the pre-finals entertainment, loved the head standing drummers, that flag was awesome, and the set up for presenting and introducing placers was pretty cool! Was an awesome weekend and can't wait to be back. Thanks Newton!

Yep. I have been their before live. The NOISE, MUSIC, QUALITY of the speakers/dancers ('pre-finals entertainment' as you so aptly call it), etc - all TOP NOTCH! (Whoops, and the wrestling to...dah - TOP NOTCH!!!)

I couldn't make it this year but thanks to all for the up-dates! I appreciated them very much!
