Originally Posted By: sportsfan02
I'm not sure how much KSHSAA gets in broadcast fees and if it makes up for lost ticket sales but the attendance at these events already sucks. Do we want even less attendance?

I dont think anyone wants less attendance, but it's repeatedly questioned how to get wrestling more exposure. Television coverage of the finals would be a great avenue to provide a step in that direction.
It would seem to me to be a stretch of reasoning to say that showing the finals is going to create a massive loss of ticket sales. If the entire tournament was being televised I could buy that arguement but not when its just the finals. If friends,family, classmates etc. are going to support their wrestler in person, they have already bought a ticket well before the finals have been decided.
I would love to see 4A get some form of televised coverage. Live or Delayed broadcast, either way would be great.