Originally Posted By: Tommyboy
The city just finished another 600 parking stalls on 1st & Emporia, two blocks away.

"Two blocks"? I don't know what map you are looking at but many of those blocks in downtown are in fact two blocks long. That is, if you can exit Intrust via the north side of the building which I don't think you can. That makes that parking a conservative 5 blocks away at best. In order to utilize the new Coleman parking lot you would need trolley service. Not to mention, most people who know the downtown area would not like walking that area at night.

Originally Posted By: Tommyboy
There was no problems with parking 2 years ago at the STATE WRESTLING TOURNAMENT. None!

That's because nobody was there! That is why it couldn't/wouldn't go back the next year. When you move it out to Hartman, such as they did, where parking is handy and plentiful, you see the results.
Nobody wants all three classes back together more than I do. I was one the most vocal against the small minority who dissed the Coliseum on these very boards when we were still there. Now we see some of those same complaints coming against Salina and that venue.