Originally Posted By: badbo
Baker wins the Kansas Cup and keeps on adding great recruits. Congrats Conner!!!!

The Pursel's

Yes, this is great news. Connor Middleton will be a great addition to the Baker University community.

Baker University has made a great showing in the Kansas Cup in its first three years. In 2010 which was the first year of the Baker program they placed third as a team, in 2011 Baker University in its second year placed second as a team in the Kansas Cup and now in 2012 in its third year as a program Baker University took the team championship in the Kansas Cup. This is a great achievement for Coach Jimmy May, his other coaches and the wrestlers.

Bo and Connor are going to be excellent additions to the Baker University wrestling and academic community. Congratulations to both Bo and Connor. You have picked an excellent university and wrestling program. Good luck in your college careers.

Vince Nowak
Kansas College Wrestling Fund Supporter
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