For the clubs that that were at the Hutch tournament you may have heard me talk about our wrestler that is not doing very well. I am going to give everyone a update and hopefully seek help from other clubs.

Braden Berner is our 8U kids that about 2-3 weeks ago was complaining about his neck being sore at practice. Us coaches (his Dad included) just assumed it was a "normal" soreness that all kids get form time to time.

He just watched practice and excercise and did no live wrestling for a couple of days. Shortly thereafter he was in constaint pain. The parent went through the next couple of weeks doing tests and treating for a pinched nerve.

Last Wednesday they did a MRI on him in Wichita and found a large tumor on his spine. It was covering 5 vertabrea and starting to block his esophagos. (sp?)

Braden was immediatelu admitted into the hospital. He was scheduled to go into surgery to remove the tumor on Thursday morning. Just right before the surgery Braden coded and had to be revived and stabalized.

The surgery was finally done after he was stabalized.

Braden is currently still on a ventilator to help him breathe and is slowly getting some feeling back below his shoulders but nothing else so far. He has started to attepmt to breathe on his own slightly, which is a very god sign.

I was able to go to see him today. He was awake and able to nod his head eventhough he rested most of the time.

As you can imagine Braden and his family have a very long fight ahead of them.

AS his parent and my wife and son talked in the hallway they were over whelmed with the support the heard about at the tournament and all the people that came to asking about him.

I made mention of a donation jar and we collected alomst $250 for their family.

I am not done there, I am ordering sports bracelets with his name on them and will be selling them to give all proceed to the family. If there are clubs that want to order any please contact me and I will make all the arangements.

I am hoping to have them and District 3 sub and District for sale. I haven't cleared that with anyone but assume that isn't a big deal.

If anyone want to make a donation it can be sent to:

Team Lightning Wrestling Club
8902 N. Lorraine
Hutchinson, KS 67502
attn: Braden Fund

There will be a chili feed and a few outher even that some are puling together to raise funds for the family.

The wrestling family we are in has a strong history of taking care of each other.

Please keep Braden and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

If anyone has any questions please feel free to give me a call.


Tracy Peterson
Buhler, KS