Originally Posted By: Bad MaamaJamma
I think fewer entries should be taken next year. Don't get so greedy you have a team tournament and a huge state tournament in the same weekend. geesh
We sent our entry in knowing there was going to be 700 plus kids in the tournement, we expected it to be crowded. It has been crowded every year, we still go. To get most of the best wrestlers out of district 1 together 3 weeks before sub-districts and to see the level of competition and the weights that everyone will be at, thats why we showed up. Ottawa has always put on a great tournament with some of the best wrestlers showing up there. Some brackets had 4-5 state placers and 5-6 qualifiers of the 20 kids, outstanding!!! As far as the statement about greed.. I did see where Ottawa Mat Masters made a donation to Braden Berner, the little boy with the tumor on his spine. I hope they sent our entire clubs entry fees to help this kid. I feel as that should show us all the level excellence that the Ottawa club trys to display in our wrestling community.