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Wrestling .. Quotes, Sayings, Prayers #200343 02/21/12 03:47 PM
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L Grater Offline OP
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Several years ago, someone posted a story about what all a wrestler goes through and what he gives up during the season ..

Would anyone happen to know where it is at OR better yet, saved it.. I've been looking back through post and can't seem to locate it. I would like to include it in the goody bags for both of boys' teams.

Also, if you have any good quotes, sayings, prayers, would love to see them too!!

Good luck to all High School State Bound Wrestlers & Coaches ...

A special shout out to Riley County (Coach Grater) and Clay Center High School Coaches and Wrestlers (Gavin Grater) ... love you all!! Hard to Mom to have her heart in two places this weekend BUT will be in Salina with Gavin.

Momma Grater (Leann)

Re: Wrestling .. Quotes, Sayings, Prayers [Re: L Grater] #200351 02/21/12 04:50 PM
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DawgHouse Offline
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This in one of my favorite quotes

Pound for pound and point for point
I've worked so hard this year,
Sweating and training in this joint.
Every match was mine and mine alone
As I ached and burned from the pain
In every nerve, muscle and bone.
All the days given up to get here
Were worth the work and sweat,
When I look at the mat with confidence
And know a win is what I'll get.
Sorry you came so far just to get beat,
Your family watching you so silent and proud,
As I repeatedly take you off your feet,
On my mat, in my house in front of my crowd.

Re: Wrestling .. Quotes, Sayings, Prayers [Re: DawgHouse] #200360 02/21/12 05:17 PM
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Coach Samson Offline
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“More enduringly than any other sport, wrestling teaches self-control and pride. Some have wrestled without great skill - none have wrestled without pride.”----Good Luck to everyone this weekend

Jeremy Samson
Trego Community High School AD
Re: Wrestling .. Quotes, Sayings, Prayers [Re: Coach Samson] #200431 02/21/12 10:04 PM
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doug747 Offline
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"Once you have wrestled, everything else in life is easy"

Re: Wrestling .. Quotes, Sayings, Prayers [Re: doug747] #200444 02/21/12 10:42 PM
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clarkgriswold Offline
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The first period is won by the best technician, The second period is won by the kid in the best shape, the third period is won by the kid with the biggest heart.

Dan Gable

Re: Wrestling .. Quotes, Sayings, Prayers [Re: clarkgriswold] #200578 02/22/12 11:45 AM
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CWainwright Offline
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If you’re a competitor, you will have many aches, pains, and injuries. That’s the way it is. It’s a tough and often unfair world; write your congressman/woman. If you only want to compete when you feel first-class, then you are in the wrong sport, unrealistic, and you belong on Gilligan’s island. No sympathy for aches and pains; see the trainer and deal with it.

Athletes consistently compete and are successful with aches, pains, and injuries. Many athletes, unfortunately, do not know the difference and sometimes request not to compete because their uncomfortable. I’m not being nonsensical, turning my back to an injury, and I don’t want to injure an athlete further. The reality is everybody has injuries, aches, pains. You’re not unique, alone, or an exception.

There is a big difference between what is normal and what is often necessary. You have to get beyond the temporary. Every coach in every sport can relate to this topic. I have seen it many times as a way for the athlete to get out of a situation. I have seen athletes fake to the point of concocting stories of hospital visits and stays and upon further investigation, it was all fabricated. I have seen an athlete fake being on crutches for weeks only to find him sprinting up and down the basketball court when he thought I had left. I have heard athletes say they’re going to hurt themselves if they have to make weight, only to find out they wanted to get drunk instead. And I have heard an athlete tell me his rabbit named “Keith” yes Keith, ate his alarm clock, and that’s why he didn’t make it to the weigh-in. I had one guy, twice, not show up to weigh-ins and now he’s coaching; what’s he telling the athletes? It only stands to reason that coaches can be skeptical of certain athletes.

Most coaches will tell you it’s easy to spot an athlete who is planning an alibi or taking an easy way out. When we’re around athletes on a daily basis and for extended periods of time, we’re aware who is finding a way out and who is legit. We learn a lot through an athlete’s practice room habits, responsibility or lack of, and how he has previously handled injury, aches, and pains. We learn the most by what type of an investment the athlete has made.

High investment = high tolerance and competes nearly all the time.

Low investment = low tolerance, misses a lot of competition, practice time, and usually looking for outs.

Words mean nothing; it’s all about behavior.

Adversity – Does it really matter circumstances are difficult? Why shouldn’t they be?

Many athletes want to look like a knight but don’t want to bleed like one.

There is a whole other world of toughness within our sport – athletes competing with major injuries and go on to compete and win in spite. It’s not the severity of the injury that really matters as much as it is the individual’s desire. Now, I am not talking about being ridiculous and putting the athletes in danger. Don’t take it personal and think I’m talking about you, although I am.

Every time you step out in competition, there is an element of danger. If you want safety, then competition is not for you. What I am talking about is pushing through soreness, fatigue, pain, and being uncomfortable. Many athletes think they have to feel grand or something is wrong, it’s not. A true competitor is willing to give up comfort. News Flash! Everyone is hurt, sore, tired, has school work, cuts weight, relationship struggles, sleep deprivation, and on and on. Make a firm decision that you will put it on the line regardless. Make a decision that you will emerge the victor or take your whipping, but you won’t evade your responsibility because you don’t feel ideal. A lot of times we can also trace our lack of feeling “ideal” to previous decisions we made, responsibilities we did not fulfill, and corners we previously cut.

Boldness is the first, second, and third most important thing. When you dare nothing, expect nothing. Remember that safety goes against every great dream. Most will turn back at the true point of testing, regardless of the arena. However, sometimes you must cut the lines that tie you to the dock. You have to move beyond the calm waters.

We can’t all be champions, but we can fight like one. If we can’t win the blue ribbon then we get the red one. And if we can’t get the red one, then we can still feel proud, responsible, and distance ourselves from regret and diminishing our self esteem.

Injuries, soreness, aches, fatigue will challenge you but don’t have to stop you. You can’t only compete when you know you’re going to win, or feel 100%. How you feel does not matter. You can tolerate being uncomfortable. You can still compete! You can still succeed and you may have to compete for your championship on a day you feel at 60%.

Discipline, perseverance, delayed gratification, commitment, responsibility, and personal satisfaction are qualities you potentially take from this sport and dominate in other areas of your life. I believe the efforts and commitments you make during your athletic and academic career tell a lot about your future efforts or lack of. If you’re full of fish stories, how you caught a whopper and a rabbit named Keith ate your clock, than this sport will mistreat and harass you. Ask yourself, are you really made up of what you want others to think you are? I would venture to say most are scared or doubtful to a degree. There is no shame in this; we all are! The difference is those who persist/proceed in spite. Remember, if we threw all of our adversities in a pile with others, we would gladly grab our own back. Others have been through what we’re going through and “triumphed,” so can you. Others are often wrong about us, and we’re often wrong about ourselves. You are able to transcend any real or imagined limitation; this starts right now!

"Sport, properly directed, develops character, makes a man courageous, a generous loser, and a gracious victor; it refines the senses, gives intellectual penetration, and steels the will to endurance."

-Pope Pius XII
Re: Wrestling .. Quotes, Sayings, Prayers [Re: CWainwright] #200579 02/22/12 12:02 PM
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His Momma Offline
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The Wrestling Parent...

Parents in wrestling are courageous -- it's true;
They feel all the pain that their boy must go through.
At home, when he diets, they wish it could stop,
Yet know he must do it to stay on top.
Excuses for losing they will never endure,
Don't blame the ref, son, because of the score.
The coach, he will show you the best way to move,
Keep working in practice if you want to improve.

At dual meets you'll see them whispering a prayer,
As their boy must compete with no one else there.
Whatever the outcome- Mom cheers with deep pride,
While Dad-you will notice- stands right by his side.

They'll drive to tournament; many miles away,
To witness a son who's prepared for this day.
Their boy, he has trained, with all of his might,
Having hopes of becoming a champion tonight.

But should he fall short, at his corner you'll find,
A Mother and a Father- supportive and kind.
They teach that through wrestling he'll learn about life,
Yes, living is filled with both triumph and strife.

Now if you are searching for people who care,
Just look by a mat, they'll always be there.
Such love for the sport is truly inherent,
That's why we salute, The Wrestling Parent!

Re: Wrestling .. Quotes, Sayings, Prayers [Re: CWainwright] #200580 02/22/12 12:09 PM
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firehawk88 Offline
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Nice post. Me and my wife had a similar discussion 2 weeks ago. My son was not 100% due to flu and my wife wanted to scratch him from the tournament, or even better, she wanted ME to scratch him. My son wanted to wrestle. I told her I would not. I explained that now days, I wake up every day with something hurting. Maybe it a knee, ankle, back, or something new. And everyday I get up and take on the day. My son is close to being a man and right now he probably doesn't understand getting old, but he can understand getting up and carrying on because a day will come when he will never be 100% ever again. My son finished the tournament and took 2nd. Not where he wanted to finish but all in all it wasn't the flu that cost him the match. The other kid was better than he was on that given day. None the less, I was proud as hell. Life lessons.

Larry Woltje
Re: Wrestling .. Quotes, Sayings, Prayers [Re: firehawk88] #200626 02/22/12 04:17 PM
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airbornevetX2 Offline
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I really like this one off of the Kapaun Mt. Carmel Coaches Corner website:

No one is born a champion. Every champion must pay the price, and the price is never small. It is the investment in one’s future that builds the inner strength of the champion. This investment is of time, sweat, effort, sore muscles, bruised egos, frustration, more sweat, and exhaustion and at some times even tears. While others sit idle and enjoy short term pleasures, the champion is hard at work, focused on the future.
The sport demands everything you’ve got and often returns little. No dreams of fame and fortune. No glamour. No glory. No celebrity status. No chance of going pro. Yet the investment continues, with faith, trust and respect for the coach’s vision amid the exhilaration and heartbreak of competition.

Wrestling has many champions. They are not just the first place winners, for it is not the victory that makes the champion, it is the investment.
The greater the investment, the greater the champion.
Wrestling is the sport of champions.
The Author: Bill Campbell is a former wrestler, avid wrestling fan and coach.

Barry N. Pittman
Re: Wrestling .. Quotes, Sayings, Prayers [Re: airbornevetX2] #200641 02/22/12 06:20 PM
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BrandonPigorsch Offline
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I really like what Coach Wainwright stated in his post i think that all coaches have definitely dealt with or are dealing with this at some point in coaching. One poem i really like that i got from the book WRESTLING TOUGH by Mike Chapman is this:

If you think you are beaten you are;
If you think that you dare not, you don't;
If you'd like to win but you think you can't,
It's almost certain you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you've lost;
For out in the world you'll find
Success begins with a fellow's will.
It's all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are;
You've got to think high to rise;
You've go to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.

Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man;
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can!

Brandon Pigorsch
Head Wrestling Coach
Clay Center Community High School
Re: Wrestling .. Quotes, Sayings, Prayers [Re: BrandonPigorsch] #200680 02/22/12 08:21 PM
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Coach Prieto Offline
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Several years ago while attending Senior Nationals in Cleveland, Ohio, I was able to watch a young man by the name of Kyle Maynard wrestle. Truly inspirational story, "No Excuses"
He does not think in terms of limitations, but only in accomplishments. One of Kyle's favorite sayings is, "It's not what I can do; it's what I WILL do."

He wasn't an undefeated wrestler, matter of fact he did't win a state championship, but in my opinion he is truly a winner because he loved the sport of wrestling and made "No Excuses".

This time of the year we get on here and debate which class is toughest or weakest, who is the toughest, can't believe guys going are going to state with losing records, etc. This is our right as Americans, but lets not forget that these young men we are talking and debating about are giving it their all based on their ablities and we should congratulate them...sorry to jack the thread but after all it was about quotes...

Re: Wrestling .. Quotes, Sayings, Prayers [Re: Coach Prieto] #200840 02/23/12 02:48 PM
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The Champion

He was a man of flesh and blood, he wasn’t made of rock.
Angel, devil, child - - - a man of ordinary stock.
But somehow he was different - - - true athletes always are,
for though he cursed, and bled, and sweat, he prided in the scar.

They told him to win like a man, no matter what the cost;
so many times he ventured forth; so many times he lost.
And when they turned around, and said, “it’s ok, son you tried,”
he clenched his headgear in his fist, and like a man, he cried.

But from his tears came anger: then, when it ceased to spin,
he rose again, determined that the next time, he would win.
His trembling body strengthened; his heart soared in the sky,
and his darkened soul stood flaming with the fire in his eye.

And so he worked relentlessly; he struggled and he strained.
His conscience whipped him mercilessly for every ounce he gained.
He ran on legs like pistons; his muscled arms grew sore;
he’d tell himself, “I have to,” then ask himself, “what for?”

And then, at last, the reckoning: the final hour was here.
His stomach lightened dangerously, his muscles tensed with fear.
Weak-kneed, he shook the challenger’s hand - - - and then, as one possessed,
his instincts gave him power, and his body did the rest.

It suddenly was ended. His body seemed to scatter.
A crowd was cheering somewhere, but to him, it didn’t matter.
One thought was gleaming in his brain - - - a thought that made him smile:
he’d given all he had, and that’s what made it all worthwhile.

He stood and faced his teammates, with pride instead of shame.
He knew not that he’d won or lost, but that he’d played the game.
And some call him the wrestler, and some call him a man,
but he called himself a winner, and the ref held up his hand.

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. - Woody Hayes
Re: Wrestling .. Quotes, Sayings, Prayers [Re: BUCKEYE] #200847 02/23/12 03:40 PM
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usawks1 Offline
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Some very true words by many, especially Cy!! The future of Kansas Wrestling is looking brighter having you within our State!!

Are you making a POSITIVE difference in the life of kids?

Randy Hinderliter
USAW Kansas
KWCA Rep/Coaches Liaison
Ottawa University Volunteer Assistant
Re: Wrestling .. Quotes, Sayings, Prayers [Re: BrandonPigorsch] #200878 02/23/12 06:03 PM
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jeffroberts Offline
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This time of year

"1 not 2" is a pretty important saying to remember.

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