Six dollars isn't much more than a fast food place and this was better for you. Plus you didn't have to go out and get caught in BTK traffic, so it wasn't that bad. They also said you could have all you wanted. I even went back for a drink and cookies when they were closed and they didn't mind. I agree the t-shirt thing is ridiculous. It seems to happen every year no matter how early we get there. On the positive side, I thought security at the doors and clearing the stairways was much more friendly and relaxed this year. I also thought the bathrooms, trash cans, etc. were kept up much better. As always, the tournament ran smooth so thanks to all those that worked hard to keep it going. All the officials did a great job too. I know they take a beating when they make a questionable call but what wrestler or coach wouldn't want to have the record they have of good calls vs. bad calls. And since I'm on a roll, great job by the spectators too. I didn't see any fights this year over seats or banner placement, or anything else. Finally, congratulations to all the wrestlers on a great job. THE ONLY DISAPPOINTMENT IS NOT GIVING YOUR BEST! rhill