Curtis, don't get me ticked off at you. Let me make something clear, people know that I speak what I believe to be truth, whether people like it or not is another matter.

Here is what I know; Curtis Chenoweth is a champion, a champion on the mat and a champion off the mat. I observed that last night from watching you wrestle and interact with the kids at the clinic for Tyler. I don't say this much, but you need help going to college, I'll be glad to vouch for your character and attitude any day of the week. I know from working with college coaches that you have both of those areas as well as the reality that you are a great wrestler going for you. I'll leave it at that, but man if you was around, I might have to dog slap you or something for saying that you were anything less than a success. Now hit the books, finish the academics strong and enjoy a successful college carreer!