As much as you will not like to hear this, the correct call is like anything else in wrestling, that is, it lies in the eye of the beholder. If you believe the wrestler is "Showboating/taunting" then you hit them with an unsportsmanlike "I.E. Letting a wrestler completely go after having them on their back." If you believe the wrestler is doing this to prove the bottom man is not working, then you warn the bottom man. Obviously, officials to this point have not penalized the wrestler otherwise he probably wouldn't be doing it.

Additionally, my comment "Pulling in the reigns" is what I would do. I am not the H.S. Coach and have no power to persuade one way or another. All Coaches continue to grow and learn daily, "Ark City" is not absent from this statement.

On a final note, I tend to agree with you that the wrestler should refrain from doing this moving forward, but I would also say that the wrestler in question brings many more "POSITIVES" to the sport (Good Grades, working with Youths, hard work, dedication, ect...) than negatives. Again, these are kids and as adults we should expect a little antagonistic behavior.

Darren Claphan