Originally Posted By: Darren Claphan
these are kids and as adults we should expect a little antagonistic behavior.

I agree, but shouldn't we expect the proper consequences to antagonistic behavior? I was not at the match, I have no idea what context should be taken other than what was asked in the question. Given the parameters of the question, it sounds like show-boating to me and a disservice to a great sport.

I was firmly planted in a gym watching 4th/5th grade girls basketball games. (All daughters, guys, all I have are basketball analogies, sorry) I was appalled by the antigonistic behavior of some of the parents at these games, only a mater of time before the parents behavior is emulated by their children. Too late for some, 4th and 5th grade girls, putting their hands up everytime a foul is called, looking to their parents in the stands in disbelief, parents letting them know what a bad call it was. Horrible. My daughter puts her hands up or even attempts to look at a ref, she does not play. If her coach thinks that kind of behavior is acceptable, we can find many other meaningful activities. I saw a 4th grade girl, late in a close game get applauded by the opposing fans when she missed a free-throw. Not even my daughter's team, but I wanted to go punch some people in the mouth. Unfortunately, my job foces me to keep some level of decorum in public. That is why I have the forum to gritch on, fellas! Thanks, I feel better now.