Originally Posted By: Cokeley
It sounds like stalling on bottom to me. No one at state should be able to be ridden with the use of the top man's hands to control him, especially at 113. I totally disagree with Beeson's assessment. If it would have been a Bulldog on top instead of bottom, he would have a completely different tone. wink I think top man is basically saying "LOOK! He is not opening up!" Many of our officials, especially those who never competed in the sport, have no idea what stalling is. It is the most under applied and misapplied rule in wrestling.

Well a Bulldog did do it later in the Tournament and The Bulldog Crowd did not approve of the action. His coach told him to cut that crap out immediately and it was stopped. So what is so special at the 113 pound class that no one there should be ridden? What makes that weight so Equal? I'm interested in your thoughts on that.

Unnecessary Roughness is Necessary