Originally Posted By: edward from texa
TO ever one that said it was the worst tournament ever your right. the awards the cost and everthing else just horriable we drove 10 hours from texas not just for the awards but for competition mostly. we get better awards at local tournaments.these kids bust there butt to be the best to be called the champ and or even place in a tournament. And to get a cheap plaque and a 99.cent medal wow we will never go again and will let ever one else family and friends from all over not just from texas not to go. someone needs to send these messages to the tournament directior to let him know worst tournament ever prices, awards, medals and the way it was runned!!!!!!!!!!

I agree the awards were terrible... The competition made up for it! That is one of the toughest tournaments in the US. Those brackets were loaded. Not as tough as Tulsa Nationals, but Drew wrestled boys from Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, and Missouri. We wrestle in Texas too, and the competition in TX isn't even close to what we found at Liberty.

To be the man, you got to beat the MAN!!