I am 45 minute away from our so I don't have any room to whine.

I was 2 and 2.5 hours away for both subs and districts a few years ago. I bit the bullet and got the room and weighed in on Friday night.

If anyone hasn't figured out yet that wrestling is the $12 drop your kid off for practice once a week and hit a hour game on the weekend sport, well you missed the boat.

There isn't anyting cheap about wrestling and I realize that some areas have it easier and harder than others, but that is what we have chosen.

I am ok with gutting it out for two weeks and weighing in at location, and I have had those 2 hours to subs/districts before. I did it then because satelite weigh ins weren't even a option.

It also doesn't sneak up on anyone, subs and district have been scheduled for sometime get ready for it.

No satelite weigh ins for subs on.

Tracy Peterson
Buhler, KS