Yep and that mom and/or dad sit all morning watching other people wrestle that they don't know. Cause their son/daughter wrestles in the pm. Remember Split session we do this for the wrestling families so they don't have to spend 8-12 hours out of town at a wrestling tourny! We were worried about our kid wrestler numbers being down so we as a State try to use Split sessions, to save money and keep people interested in this sport, it's already expensive enough. Right? WHY DOESN'T ANYBODY GET THIS?? What did someone call Beeson (Chucklehead) I bet he even understands this!!I still haven't seen a good reason why the subs/district host head official (who i have never seen watch a scale at any qualifying tourny or State) is more qualified or trusted than any other Certified official/s that was chose by the district director/s to do skin/hair/nail check and watch the digital scale???? At any tourny you have 2 people at the scale (they are usually buddies) if one of their buddies son weighs in 100.6 they can just write it down as 100.0 and tell the other one his dad and I are long time friends. What is the difference? This can happen at any qualifing tourny even STATE!! Fight to help the wrestling families instead of break them. This should be a No brainer. Yes to satellites for subs/districts maybe in a few years when unemployment is below 4% and gas prices are back to $1.50 we can go back to the old times

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