Who: Wrestlers who will be in grades 8-12 during the 2012-13 school year.

What: An opportunity to compete against other northeast Kansas wrestlers in competitive matches. All matches will be three, 1½ minute periods. The league will be using a Madison bracketing system where athletes will be grouped in pools of five according to weight and ability with no rigid weight classes. Each night the pools will compete in a round robin format tournament with the goal being four matches for each participant each night.

Weigh-ins will be held on the opening night from 4:30 – 5:30 pm to establish weights for league competition. Wrestlers may also weigh in on Wednesday, June 6 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm at Seaman High School or via a pre-approved satellite site on June 6th. Satellite weigh in results can be emailed to Mark Stanley at mark.stanley.ks@gmail.com or Patrick Kelly at pkelly@usd345.com.

Teams scoring will also be incorporated with five individuals making up a team. Schools may enter multiple teams. Teams may have up to two alternates to fill in for nights when a regular member is absent. When the alternates are not scoring for their team they will wrestle unassigned. Individuals may also choose to be assigned to a team or wrestle unaffiliated. Dual meet team scoring will be used to accumulate team points (6 points for a fall, 5 points for a Technical Fall, 4 points for a Major, and 3 points for a Decision).

Team and individual awards TBA.

When: Thursday evenings in June (6/7, 6/14, 6/21, 6/28) with a 6:00 pm start time.

Where: Competition will be held in the Seaman Middle School Gym. 5620 Northwest Topeka Boulevard, Topeka, KS 66617-1793

Cost: $30.00 per competitor. A current USA Wrestling card is also required.