Originally Posted By: L.Geyer
I agree that there were not as many tournaments, but the argument here is that there are not as many wrestlers out for wrestling as there used to be, becuase of the expense and time. I disagree with this being the reason for the lack of wrestlers. My thinking is that parents and kids want everything handed to them on a silver platter. Even if everyone does "todays innovations" parents still need to make their kids get off of their butts and be physically active and the parents need to be involved as well. I know I am preaching to the choir here, as most everyone on this forum is more than likely active with wrestling, But I am not sure if Satalites and Split sessions are the answer.

can't speak for everyone, but here is why i speak about the "innovations" as a good thing for the sport to grow.

I coach other sports (baseball and football) all three sports we travel, all three sports we spend time and money. We have had kids join the wrestling team, then give it up after about a year. Some of the reasons they brought up were time and money. We tell parents up front, what it takes, sacrifices etc. they still have found that they spend less in baseball and football combined than in wrestling.

face it we are not in the "space in time" when we grew up. everything is different.

"Unless you continually work, evolve, and innovate, you will learn a quick and painful lesson, from someone who has" Cael Sanderson

this quotes fits all areas of our daily lives, work, school, sports, family. nothing will ever be the way it used to be, nothing, we have to accept that, and continue to work to be better.

"with attitude, will, and some spirit"