Here is another I think is a no-no by an official. Its against the rules to for an official to mouth and stare back..tilting there head, making comments to a coach..should be reprimanded and dealt with the same way a coach or wrestlers are dealt when they do it. I have seen many officials chirp a comment to a coach then hand them a warning when the coach says something back. The official has the easy way out..dont say a word to a coach and stand on the far edge of the mat and...IGNORE the comments. The next match will start and that coach will leave..maybe mad..but they will get over it quickly.
Again..just my

Oh..and Bockman... I prolly not qualified enough to do clinics. I just a new official to the area,that has rode many officials butt as a coach. I am sure there are many coaches who think my officiating is not so good, but I just make sure..every match is important and give my full interest in every match. After all that is what we as coaches and parents ask of our wrestlers... 100% everytime every match... When I officiate that what I try and do.

Last edited by schroeder; 03/28/12 04:13 PM.