Originally Posted By: sportsfan02
So what do the kids that choose to wrestle middle school learn about team when they see others that feel they are above them doing otherwise? What are they to think when the kid who might help them improve is not in the room with THEIR team on a daily basis? How is the lesser kid supposed to get better? Are they now required to quit wrestling for their team, school and community and travel in order to improve themselves?
As I have said in the past, no matter how much people like Beeson and I and others preach it, some people will never understand the true meaning of TEAM!

Yet you can only teach as fast as your slowest student... To me a club is like a team and for the most part MS wrestling is largely unnoticed by the communities they are in. My proposal to open up MS wrestling from the rediculous regulatory rules would accomplish both goals. Can you support that Sports? Furthermore, if we are going to REALLY understand the TRUE meaning of team for wrestling we need to have a DUAL state. Our current system really only, truly, recognizes the best INDIVIDUALS not the best "teams".

Will Cokeley