Just a couple of thoughts I want to express then move on because this argument could go on and on... First off, I never ever was trying to imply that middle school wrestling alone will make champions. I am blessed year after year with some great club kids. I am just saying that wrestling in middle school won't hurt. I find it a little humorous that the two guys arguing on behalf of middle school wrestling are from Ark City and Newton... the top two teams in 5A from this year. However, let me just say that some of you earlier stated that it is just not the right fit for your kid and you may be right. I just would appreciate people making their minds up using the right reasons and not for the wrong reason such as just because the parents don't like it. Let these kids do what they want to do and many of them want to be a part of the team that they will stick with hopefully all through high school. Finally, remember what this thread was started for and that was to change the pioneer league to an early season. Lets get this on the table at the league meeting and make sure you are e-mailing your A.D.'s and making your feelings known. Sorry if your not in the Pioneer league but this is just to good of opportunity to let slip by. I promise it will elevate wrestling as a whole in the metro area... If it doesn't... I will let everyone on this forum that disagreed with me punch me one time in the gut.