I did not know the Bramlage family but I've talked with Perry Madl and Will Cokeley about them and my heart has been heavy this morning. It's been heavy and also hopeful about this one issue.
So when we look at someone's death, we don't feel like we have to muster up some great, long parade of every achievement they ever did. Have you ever noticed that at a Christian funeral? Very little is said about a list of achievements. Compare that, when you look at the funeral of a non-believer, and watch people almost frantically trying to put meaning into that life by picking out all the milestones, and giving somebody some kind of accolade for everything they achieved in this life. The only real reward that matters is that which we did for the King in His kingdom. And He's the one who knows that, and eternity will reveal that, and that's the reward that believers look for. It's enough, really, it's all that ever would need to be said about the Bramlage family is to say they were faithful. Right? Because it's: "Required of stewards, that a man be found faithful." And we'll leave the eternal reward to God, who knew their motives and knew their hearts far better than any of us. We have a pretty good idea. We are certainly on the right track, because we know the sweetness of their souls and the faithfulness of their life. That God will give them their reward.
From what I have heard, I trust that this amazing family is safe in the arms of God.
Thank you Lord...