Originally Posted By: usawks1
Calvin Ochs will have tons of memories from this years Fargo trip!

One will be that he fractured his humerous (the large bone in the arm). The medical staff is tending him and by his side, is a contingency of Team Kansas and his family.

But another of his memories will be of placing 6th in the Junior Greco tourney, a placing, that will earn him All-American status!

Wow. I have to say that Calvin has been one of the hardest working kids this year. He went the whole nine yards with every event. After his awesome high school season, he was a warrior in Denver, was a huge part of my Renegade team at Oak Park, won state in Hutch, had a great Southern Plains and looked really strong at the Junior Duals in OKC. What an incredible kid, both on and off the mat. Now he's a Fargo All-American!

I for one will be praying for his arm to heal up! He's made us all Kansas proud!

Eric Johnson

Acts 4:12