Cadet 132 Finals (Bout 1811 M 11) - Michael Olsen (Kansas) vs. Jose Champagne (Indiana)

Olsen's up! First period, in on the double, scores 1 ... again with a TD ... monkey roll by Jose plus 2+2 ... period ends, 2-6.

2nd, Olsen scores 2 ... then 2 again ... 45 seconds, Olsen with 1 ... 29 seconds, then another 1 ... periods over!

3rd, Olsen tallies 1 ... Olsen scores 2 ... then 2 again and a 1... Finally, a Kansas All-American wins a placement match!!

Michael Olsen from Team Kansas wins 7th place in the Cadet FS National Championships!! Michael Olsen is an All-American!! Congrats Michael!

Are you making a POSITIVE difference in the life of kids?

Randy Hinderliter
USAW Kansas
KWCA Rep/Coaches Liaison
Ottawa University Volunteer Assistant